Chapter 2

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Eventually Jemma reached the Quay. She decided to rest for the night before finding the boat schedule and catching the next boat to Araluen the next day.

She set up camp. She was feeling awfully depressed about Liam. He had been her mentor from when she was seven years old, and she felt it was her fault for his death.

She cooked up a small stew and ate it miserably. The thing that kept her going was the thought that she was going to meet her father and save her mother from that wretched castle.

She went to sleep that night, Liam's weapons by her head.


The next morning she awoke early, ate cold rations and snuck into town. She didn't have any money to board a ship, so she was going to have to hide on one.

She snuck into the quay office and looked at all the sheets of paper with a groan. It was going to take forever to go through all the papers! But, luckily the sheet with the boat schedule was right on top. She grabbed it and read it over.

The next boat to Araluen was at ninth hour. It was fourth hour at the moment, so people were going to be up and about soon. Jemma was going to have to get onto the boat soon.

She looked around at all the boats. She spotted the boat that she had to board, just before lanterns started to be lit. Jemma had to hurry, otherwise people would come out of their homes and find her.

She raced towards the boat, just managing to climb on before the first stragglers came out of the buildings. Quickly, she looked around for somewhere to hide. She decided to hide where the anchor was hidden behind a curtain. She pushed her way to the back, so the anchor was in front of her.

She pulled out a blanket from her bag. She hung it from the wood above her, as there were lots of little splinters to keep it in place. She hung it there, as it blended in with the wood, to keep her hidden.

She patiently waited for the people to board the ship. Eventually she heard movement, of people putting the luggage onto the boat. She stayed quiet, knowing that if she made a sound, they would hear her.

After what felt like hours, the boat finally started to move off. Jemma could feel the movement of the waves and her whole body vibrated with the movement patterns.

Slowly, she drifted off to sleep.

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