Chapter 14

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Jemma, Will, Alyss, Halt and Pauline were travelling to Castle Araluen to visit their friends.

They travelled through the forests and at every campsite they stopped, Halt and Will would take Jemma out and teach her mapping and tracking, and she loved it.

While the others practised their Ranger Skills, Alyss and Pauline discussed the society's gossip and how far Jemma was coming along in her training.

Pauline loved the story of when Jemma snuck past Halt and Will, and Alyss told the story at great lengths for her.

Eventually they arrived at the Castle. They trotted across the drawbridge, while Sapphire trailed behind Socks and Jemma. The little wolf was a lot bigger then she used to be, and stuck very close to Jemma at all times.

Will and his daughter had been training the wolf in stealth, and Jemma was also pleased that she had taught her to pick up one of her knives and stab it into a log. Sapphire had warmed up to Sable completely, and when they were in the cabin, wherever Sable went, Sapphire wasn't to far away.

They were greeted by Maddie and Henry, who walked forward and shook everyone's hand before introducing himself.

The two lead the, to the stables where the Ranger's left their horses, untethered. Then the group walked through the large double doors into the entrance hall. There they met Jenny, Gilan, Cassandra and Horace.

Jemma ran forward and hugged them and they grinned.

They ushered them into the castle.


Jemma had overheard Gilan telling Will and Halt that he was buried with the paperwork of the Ranger Corps at the moment, so she snuck into his office and looked at the stacks of papers on his desk.

She sorted them into proper piles and started on some of the easier ones. She got through an entire stack, before drawing a smiley face on the top one and sneaking out again.


Jemma heard a shout of surprise and she giggled. Halt, Will, Horace and Henry looked at her and she winked. Then suddenly, the doors burst open and Gilan marched in, looking at them all.

The men were surprised to see that suddenly her facial expression was neutral. Gilan marched up to the group and said, "Who did some of my paperwork?"

Halt raised his eyebrows at Jemma and she stood up. "I did."

The thing that happened next was unexpected.

Gilan picked her up in a hug and swung her around, yelling at the top of his lungs, "THANK YOU!"

She giggled and squirmed and wriggled out of his arms as the men chuckled.

Then suddenly, the women walked through the doors and Cassandra walked straight to Jemma. She sat down next to her and asked, "Jemma, as a welcome to your family, and to celebrate Alyss and yourself arriving back in Araluen, we are hosting a banquet tonight. I was wondering if you could provide some entertainment?"

She nodded eagerly and Cassandra smiled.

She turned to her father, and the people watched her communicate with him in a series of hand gestures. Will nodded and smiled, only having a half a guess of what she was asking.

Jemma nodded again at Cassandra to say she was ready to perform whenever.


That night, she was dressed in the gown she had created for her execution, and she was standing in front of the nobles that lived around the area. Her father was sitting behind her with his instrument, and she gulped nervously.

Will nodded encouragement to her and she nodded. He started a tune and she began to sing.

In not much time at all, the people around them were on their feet, dancing and singing along and Jemma smiled happily.

She was with her people.

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