Chapter 23

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It started when David and Mark rode into their campsite, hurrying to their wives.

"What's the matter?" Jemma asked her husband as he raced around her cabin, grabbing her belongings and stuffing them into a bag, his Ranger cloak flapping behind him.

"I don't know how, but the enemy Rangers know that you and Holly are here. Mark and I have come to take you to a safer place. Will and Halt are gonna meet us on the way. Gilan sends his apologies that he can't do much more."

"What?" Jemma asked, placing a hand to her mouth. She then rushed about packing Holly's belongings as well.

When they had finished, Jemma walked into David's arms, tears starting to stream down her face. David wrapped his cloak around her. "I'm scared, David."

David smiled a little as he said, "Scared, you? Not possible."

Jemma hiccuped a little with the combination of tears and laughter. "I don't want to leave you, I don't want to leave Araluen. I'm scared."

"I know, honey." He muttered into her hair. "I'm scared too. I don't want to lose you, which is why we're taking you away."

"Where are we going?" She whispered.

"We're taking you to the Skandians."


As the group rode along the road, Jemma asked David quietly, "Do the Skandians know that we are coming?"

David paused, before slowly shaking his head. "No, but Halt and Will are old aquaintances of Oberjarl Erak, so I believe that you are almost certain to be able to stay there."

"Almost?" Jemma said quietly, slightly amused.

"It's our best option." David said hurriedly, looking extremely stressed. "I just want you to be safe."

"I know." Jemma again said quietly. "I know you do, David. This plan sounds okay. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

It was another two hours before they finally met up with Will and Halt.

"Hi Dad." Jemma said quietly, wrapping her father in a hug. "Long time no see."

"It's not funny, Jemma." Will said gravely, before smiling slightly. "It is good to see you again."

"Hello, Grumpy Grandpa Halt." Jemma mocked, leaving Halt with a small smile on his face.

"Hello Jemma." Halt said, understanding what she was doing. She was trying to lighten the mood of the situation. Halt didn't think it was going to work, considering the grave nature of the task they were doing, but he was surprised, as her words seemed to ease the tension.

"I hear we are going on a little trip?" Jemma again said in her bubbly voice.

Halt nodded. "I'm afraid so. But you will both be safe with the Skandians."

"If they accept us." Holly said grimly.

"They'll accept you." Will nodded confidently. "After everything we have done for them, they still owe us. Oberjark Erak will not forget that. Besides, you are in the company of Halt and myself. That counts for something."

"Oh, don't boast." Jemma teased. Will gave his daughter a good-natured smile.

"Well, off we go!" The young woman called out, urging Socks to go faster, Sapphire hurrying alongside.


It took a few days for them to reach the coast safely. They were going to cross to Gallica, then travel over the land until they reached their destination.

They hit trouble when they got to the coast.

A group of enemy Rangers attacked them, which led to a small conflict, before they were all shot down. The enemy Rangers that escaped left Mark severely injured.

"Mark, you need to go back." Holly tried to convince her stubborn husband.

"I'm not leaving so soon. I'll be fine." Mark argued.

"Mark, you're injured. Go back, heal. We'll see each other soon enough, I expect."

But Mark would not return home. Finally, Holly gave in, saying, "Well, on your head be it."

They finally managed to get on a boat to Gallica, hiding their Ranger cloaks to look like a group travelling without suspicion.

On the way to Gallica, Jemma stood on the side of the boat, looking out to the sea. Halt came and stood next to her.

"It's hard to believe it's been seven years since I escaped to Araluen." Jemma said quietly.

"I know. You were a young girl who proved us all wrong, time and time again."

Jemma chuckled and Halt wrapped an arm around her. "I've missed you, you know. We all have. And we'll miss you again when we have to leave."

"It's been the same for me." Jemma muttered. "Goodnight, Grandpa Halt."

Halt watched Jemma tiptoe over and lay beside David, who wrapped an arm protectively around his wife.

Halt chuckled lowly at the two as Will walked over to stand next to him.

"She's found a good one." Halt told him.

"I know. I couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law." Will crossed his arms calmly. "Geez, I feel old now."

"How do you think I feel?" Halt said.

Will burst into laughter.


It took a while for them to reach the border of Gallica.

This was where they were ambushed by a group of Rangers who had followed them from Araluen and the Gallican thugs they hired.

It took about five minutes for the fight to finish.

It was that five minutes that practically destroyed the group.

Mark was hindered by his injury, causing one unseen sword to be fatal. Holly turned to see her husband fall to the ground, and that momentary distraction cost her her life.

Jemma finished hacking down the last of the attackers, turning to see the attackers' bodies littering the floor.

She did not expect to see her best friends' bodies among them.

The rest of the group, who had huddled together to check for any injuries, were alerted by Jemma's cry.

David was at her side in an instant, but fell to the ground next to her, crying out when he saw the sight before them.

Jemma and David lifted the heads of their friends into their laps as they cried together. Will slowly walked over with Halt, bending down.

"Is there a chance to save them?" He whispered to his daughter. "Do they have a pulse?"

Jemma shook her head slowly.

They stayed there for an hour. That was the time it took for them to think rationally again.

"We need to bury them." Jemma hiccuped.

And so Holly and Mark were buried on the border of Gallica and Skandia, forever together, just as they had once said in their wedding vows.

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