Chapter 22

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Holly and Jemma were taken to Norgate fief, where they took their horses to Macindaw. There, they met with Malcolm, who showed them through the forest to where he lived.

"You'll be safe here." He said kindly.

Jemma turned to her father. "Dad, I'm scared. We only just recently got the family back together, and now we're going to be split again?"

Will had tears in his eyes. "I know, sweetie. But it's for your safety. We'll still see each other. Various Rangers that are on our side will be sent to you to train you on what you still need to learn. Malcolm may teach you some valuable healing skills, and you can still practise the bow."

"I'm going to miss you." She whispered, giving her father one last hug.

"I'll miss you too." He said, then he had to leave.

And this was where Jemma and Holly spent the next few years of their life.


When the time came that the two girls had finished their Ranger training, over the course of several weeks, their Ranger friends came to visit them together to award their Ranger pins - the silver leaf.

The various people that greeted them were met with tearful greetings as they were relieved to see each other again.

Jemma had hugged her father and Halt so fiercely that they went red, but when she saw who travelled with them, she stopped.

"David? Mark? Is it really you guys?" She said, looking at the two males in front of her. They were no longer boys. They had grown into strong men - and quite handsome at that.

"Holly!" She called out. "Look who it is!"

Holly came running up with a smile, before pausing as she saw them. Her beam grew and she jumped on Mark. They hugged each other close and Jemma smiled.

David stepped forward and wrapped Jemma in a hug.

"I missed you." They whispered in each other's ears, then both grinned.

"The entire time you were here I realised just how much I missed you. Then, I realised, how much I wanted to do this."

Jemma sent him a quick confused glance, before she found that David was kissing her.

"About time!" She heard her father call out.

They broke away and Jemma turned to her father with a mock glare. Will smiled and winked at his daughter. Jemma rolled her eyes, before David brought her into another kiss.


They had a large campfire that night after the girls were awarded their silver leaves with David and Mark.

Jemma, Mark and Holly laughed as they found that David had managed to burn himself while setting up the fire. Jemma proceeded to show him what Malcolm had taught her, putting some homemade ointment on his hand and wrapped it in a cool cloth banadage.

She giggled as David brought her onto his lap, and held her close. "I'm never letting you go." He muttered in her ear.

"Well, you're gonna have to, because I want to go to bed."

His eyebrows rose as he gave her a smirk and she laughed. "No, you're not following me. I'm going to sleep."

He faked pouted as she quickly pressed a kiss to his jaw before leaving, going to the cabin that she shared with Holly. They had built it together in their first year with Malcolm.

Holly and Mark laughed as they heard the end of the exchange between the new couple.

"Well, I'm going to follow her." Holly said, smacking her boyfriend's back softly. "We'll see you boys tomorrow."

"Boys?" David scoffed. "We are strong men!"

"Like we're gonna let you believe that!" They heard Jemma's voice from the cabin, sending them all into fits of laughter.


After three days, the group had to leave. Jemma and Holly tearfully hugged Mark and David, bidding them farewell.

"I'll see you soon." David muttered to Jemma. "Now that we're full blown Rangers, I can come visit you whenever I like. I'm sorry you have to stay here."

"I know. I'm going to miss you. I can't believe we have to do this again."

"I know. But after we can sort this all out, what do you say about staying with me forever? As my wife?"

Jemma smiled. "Isn't it a bit soon? What will my parents say?"

David grinned. "They will smile and cheer."

"How do you know that?"

"Because before we came here I asked Will for your hand in marriage." He laughed.

"Oh my god, really?" She said, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah. I realised when you were gone how much I needed you, and I said to myself, when I saw you again, I would make you mine forever, and vice versa." He muttered quietly.

She leaned against him on tip-toes to whisper to him, "David, I would love to be your wife."

"That's great." He let out a shaky breath and kissed her quickly. "That's absolutely fantastic. I love you, Jemma Treaty."

"And I love you, David Tames."


It was like this for two more years. Jemma and Holly stayed with Malcolm, practising with their weapons and learning more healing techniques.

The highlight of the two years was where the two girls were snuck into Redmont, where they met with David and Mark. Over the course of three days, the two couples were married, leaving silver bands on their fingers.

After their marriages, the two boys had escorted the girls back to Malcolm stealthily, leaving another tearful reunion.

But, after the end of the two years, things were about to change.

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