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I stare at the phone a minute and look up. Everyone else is checking their phone, their mouths hanging open. We look around for a moment.

"Shit." Danielle whispers and we all make a run out of the cinema and into Asa's car.

"BACK TOO SCHOOL, QUICKLY!" I screamed, tugging the seat-belt around my body. Asa quickly hit the pedal (heavy metal haha;)) and off we where.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble!" I groaned, running my fingers through my hair.

"So?" Asa said, putting his hand on my lap. I looked down and squeezed it for comfort. "What's he gonna do, smack us and put us to bed without any supper? No, all he's gonna do is give us a lunchtime detention! Don't worry about it." He patted my leg and put both hands on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, who cares?" Danielle said. Aramis backed her up. I couldn't believe how calm they where. I fiddled with the radio, and there was a show on called 'Hits of the Nineties' we listened and the ATB song, 'Till I Come' was on.

"Oh my God, I remember jamming out to this when I was like, 3 or 4!" I giggled. "It sounds wrong though..." (Dirty minded people.)

"I know.." We all giggled. I forgot about the whole school thing for a while. I got my phone out and we all jammed out to the song for an Instagram video. I read some of the comments, which came through quite quickly.

"Oh my God, I ship Gesa so hard! Cutest couple EVER!" One Asanator commented. I typed a quick reply of 'thank you' and followed her.

"Daramis! (Danielle and Aramis) SO CEYUTEE<3" Another one commented.

"Aww, cute." Danielle said, reading the comment. I smiled. My smile slowly faded though, as we where drawing up outside the school again, greeted by an angry crowd of parents, and not to forget, the PRINCIPLE, Mr. Sawyer.

"Ah, here we go." He said, watching as we all trailed up to them, heads bowed.

"Gemma! What where you THINKING?" My mom hissed while the other parents had an angry chat to their child.

"I'm sorry.." I said, sheepishly.

"It's just not good enough. You are GROUNDED, no phone or iPad or iPod, NOTHING!" I scoffed.

"Grounded, what sort of old expression is that? I'm 16 years old, mom, not 6!" I complained angrily.

"I don't care what age you are Gemma, I want what's best for you. I never had the best education growing up, I had to learn myself half the time!"

"Times have changed, mom." I whisper a reply. She shakes her head. Mr. Sawyer comes over.

"Now, children, that will be a lunchtime detention every day for 1 week, starting tomorrow. You may go and join your period one class, and explain meekly to the teachers. Caught doing this again, and it will be an after school detention. Thank you." We all nodded and said farewell to our parents. We walked away, heads still bowed, but when we turned the corner, we burst out laughing.

"Oh God. I'm apparently 'grounded'" I emphasised. "I'm not allowed my phone, iPad and iPod for the weekend!!"

"Oh my God, same!" Danielle chirped in.

"And me!" Asa said.

"Yup, samers." Aramis added. I sighed.

"We didn't even get to see Josh Hutcherson's beautiful face." I whined, making a puppy dog face. Asa elbowed me and I giggled.

"Someone jealous?" I asked, eyes twinkling.

"Never." He replied, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

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