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Gemma's POV

"So.. What do you all wanna do?" Aramis said awkwardly, sitting down on the sofa next to Danielle.

"Music channel?" I asked. Everyone agreed and so he turned on MTV Hits. The song playing was Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. We all sung along, as I checked Instagram. I was looking down an asanator page when I saw an edit of Asa swinging on a wrecking ball. His head had been photoshopped onto Miley's body. (There actually is an edit like that!)

I was in hysterics by the time I showed it to Asa and the others. Asa blushed and chuckled with Danielle and Aramis on the other hand burst out in full-blown laugher. The tears where streaming down my cheeks.

"Your fans though!" I remarked, wiping laughter tears from the corner of my eyes.

"I know, they're crazy, but I love them," Asa said, smiling down at his phone.

"Why don't you start replying to them?" I asked him gently, making sure Danielle and Aramis didn't hear.

"It's just, there's too many. If I reply to one and leave the others then that girl or boy'll start to get hate. I don't want that to happen," I cuddled up to him.

"I understand," Danielle and Aramis were too busy taking selfies to notice anything. Asa unlocked his phone.

"Selfie?" I nodded and smiled. He put the phone up and we both did a weird face into the camera. He posted it on Instagram and put the link for it on Twitter. My phone started dinging with mentions from just one tweet, so I put it on silent after checking and favoriting a few.

Some comments read;

"Gesa Forever<3"

"Gemma is soo pretty:') cute photo<3" And so on. I smiled. I got some hate, but I had learned to ignore them.

Some hate messages included;


"Gesa are the dumbest couple ever, Asa deserves so much better than a slut like her:) Kill yourself Gemma hahaha"

Asa looked at me and whispered, "Ignore them, they're just jealous of you," Then he very gently placed a little kiss on my forehead. For the millionth time today, I snuggled into his warm body. I couldn't believe how lucky I'd got. I had an amazing boyfriend, amazing best friends. It's everything I'd longed for.

I did have friends back in America and a boyfriend, as you probably already know, but I just didn't feel... Well, complete I suppose. My so-called 'friends ditched me and my boyfriend forced me into drugs and giving myself to him, which I refused right on the spot. He called me frigid, and that's why when Asa said that, I reacted in such a way. It brought back awful memories I wanted to forget. And I have. I feel safe with Asa and Danielle and Aramis and I never wanted to lose them.



A/N - Guess what? I have school tomorrow.😓 So my updates will go back to once every night guys! But ah well.

Well, actually I'm just thinking since I've got my phone I can update on the bus or something... Yay!

QOTD - How would you react if Asa asked you to be his girlfriend? Shoutouts for everyone who answers in the next chappie. :)

Thank you.


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