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A/N - S H O U T O U T S

@RudithClavio (It would actually be beautiful, a little baby Gesa AW!)








PS: Gemma is NOT pregnant! Asa was only joking with her! They did use protection! Lol.

(Pls believe my highest score on Flappy Bird is 6... Oh yeah).


Asa's POV *Starting from the morning*

"Asa.. Asa... ASA!" I was being shook by somebody.

"I'm awAKE." I said, not even bothering to open an eye.

"Open your eyes. Now." Gemma said firmly. I didn't listen and buried my face into the pillow. "What if I said I was naked." Naked Gemma? I'll get up for that. My head shot up.

"Definitely awake!"

"Haha, no nakedness for you now. Don't you think you've had enough of that?" She said, covering herself with the duvet. I pouted.


"Yeah, yeah.. Do you want to go out for breakfast?" She asked, lightly tracing my cheekbone.

"Hell yeah! Where though?"

"That little café down the road?"

"Yeah, I'm up for it. Now, where are my boxers?"

"Here grab my leg," Gemma said, before lunging over the side of the bed and feeling around. She finally came up and threw them at me. "Here,"

"Thanks." She nodded and turned away, while I put my legs into them and shuffled. "I'm done."

"Are you sure?" She asked, turning around slowly.

"Yeah," she finally turned around, looking suspicious before smiling.

"Okay, I'm going to get a shower," She pulled the duvet around her tighter and tried to get up. I spluttered watching her, then quickly covered my mouth. "Asa, be a babe and help me?"

I stood up and pulled her hands, and she stood up.

"Thank you!" She smiled and hopped out of the room and into the bathroom while I chuckled.

"Idiot." I muttered fondly, before turning my phone on and going onto the camera to see this 'lovebite'.

"Holy shit," I whispered, rubbing at it.

I'd need to ask Gemma for some concealer! I faffed about on my phone for a while, taking random selfies and playing Flappy Bird. But man, that shit was hard! Then an idea came to me. Instagram video! Of course, I had been promising my fans one, so since I had nothing to really to do, I made one. I babbled quickly for 6 seconds before Gemma came in.

"Oh here's my girlfriend, say hi Gemma!" She jumped behind the door, hissing, "Asa I'm just out of the shower!" I chuckled and said bye quickly before making a weird face into the camera and stopping the vid. I had hit exactly 15 seconds.

I typed 'little vid #bored' into the text box, before sending it off. Gemma came over, gesturing at the love bite.

"Asa! The hickey!" She said, rubbing at it as if she could make it disappear.

"And-- oh yeah, they're gonna see it aren't they?"

"Yes!" My phone was already dinging with loads of notifications already. I read through some comments and cringed.

"Wait... Did we use protection?" Gemma asked. Of course we did, but I wanted to see her face.

I widened my eyes and slapped my hand over my mouth. She backed away in horror chanting, "No, no, no.." I tried to stay serious, but her face was just to much so I burst out laughing.

"You little shit!" Gemma yelled, slapping me with a pillow.

"Your... Face... Hilarious!" I wheezed, clutching my sides.

"Not funny. Now go and get a shower," I straightened my face and walked into the bathroom, then burst out laughing. I stripped my boxers off again and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature. I stepped inside and looked around for shampoo. Men's shampoo. I finally spotted a full bottle, it must've been her brothers but I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I squirted some on my hands and rubbed it all over my hair before rinsing it off and washing my body with some random body wash. It smelled awful girly, but I didn't care, because I could always cover the smell with aftershave.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into Gemma's room where she was drying her hair.

"Hey," she said, brushing her hair.

"Hi," I grabbed my glasses off the table, dried my face and put them on. "Um, do you mind turning around while

I.." Before I finished the sentence she had her back turned. I went into her drawer (yeah, she had some of my clothes for when I stay) and selected a denim shirt and some dark jeans. I put a clean pair on boxers on and then the clothes.

"Gemma, would your brother mind if I borrowed some of his aftershave?"

"Not at all," she said, squiring some Our Moment on herself.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. And if he asks, I'll just say I was testing it out,"

I raised my eyebrows then laughed before setting off into his room. As soon as I opened the door, a picture of a playboy model with hardly anything on hit me. I gasped and covered my eyes, bumping into lots of things on my way. I felt around his dresser and finally grabbed something, taking a peek to make sure it was actually aftershave. It was the Calvin Klein one, the one I usually used so I squirted it all over me and ran out, slamming the door behind me.

"Jesus, Justin's posters are almost as bad as yours! In fact, they're worse!" I shuddered, straightening my shirt out. Gemma raised an eyebrow.

"Says the one following dirty pages on Instagram!" She said. I blushed.

"I was only 14, ok."

"14? Jesus Christ Asa," she laughed and I felt the blush rise higher over my cheeks.

"Are you ready to go?" I tried desperately to change the subject.

"Yup. Let's go," she grabbed her purse and stuffed her wallet and phone into it before holding her hand out to me. I took it, and we were off.


A/N - I don't have a QOTD today, but please just give your honest opinion of this chapter; say something you liked about it and if there's something you didn't like, tell me. I don't really get offended anymore.

Thanks! :D


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