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A/N - Here's the shoutouts from last week.


Gemma's POV

"Lazy days rule," I said. I was lying on Asa's chest and he was playing with my hair.

"Don't they," He replied grabbing the brush and brushing and plaiting it.

"You're the best boyfriend ever," Asa stopped brushing my hair and I turned around on my stomach to face him, propping myself up onto my elbows.

"And you're the best girlfriend ever!" He replied, booping me on the nose.

"I'm serious, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I put on a straight face to show I really was serious.

"What makes you think you're not the best thing that's happened to me?" Asa asked, raising an eyebrow and putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh come on. You're an actor, obviously better things have happened to you than some stupid girl. Like me," I sighed and looked away.

"You are not stupid! And, okay, I'm an actor. But I've been through some pretty hard times! My mum and dad got divorced when I was very young, I've had to face public humiliation and I've been bullied.." He whispered the last part, close to tears. I gasped and pulled him in for a hug, his head resting on my chest.

"Asa! How long have you kept this under your hat!" I patted his hair and rocked us back and forth.

"Forever! I've never told anyone about me being bullied," I felt a tear drip onto my shoulder, so I rested my hands on Asa's shoulders, making him face me.

"Asa, I'm always here for you, you know that don't you? You can tell me anything, big or small. I'll listen and support you, all the way."

"I know, I know, I just don't want to worry you Gem--" With that I cut him off.

"You'd worry me more if you didn't tell me anything!" I said, giggling a little bit. Asa chuckled and wiped the rest of his tears away.

"Worrypot," Asa said. I laughed.

"I love you Asa. Always have, always will."

"I love you too."


"Asa, do you want some thai?" I yelled into the living room. I was in the kitchen, washing and drying the dishes so my poor mom didn't have to when she came home.

"If you want, yeah!" Asa called back.

"Okay, just let me finish these and I'll phone," Before I could finish my sentence, he was beside me and drying the dishes I sat on the drying rack.

"At least let me pay," He said, putting the dry dishes away into the correct drawers, cupboards, etc.

"Nuh-uh, I'll pay!" I argued. I hated the fact that it made more sense for the boy to pay for everything thats just sexist, to be honest.

"I know, we'll go halfers, okay?" Asa suggested. I agreed.

"'May as well before a full-blown argument erupts!" I laughed, my hand over my mouth.

"Remember our first date?" Asa asked remincising, as did I.

"Yeah, just like it was yesterday! You wore your tux and all, and you had your hair slicked to the side." I giggled to the memory.

"Don't lie, I was very sexy," Asa joked.

"Of course you were, babe," I played along with the joke.

"You see. I can say anything I want in front of you, and not feel uncomfortable. I've never felt like this with any girl, only you Gemma,"

"I know exactly how you feel. Just shows we are perfect for eachother!" We laughed together.


A/N - What was your opinion on this chapter? I had it all wrote out, and I accidently pressed 'undo' so I had to write it out again, and it was a lot longer the first time.

I can't think of a QOTD, but just answer the opinion of this chapter question for a shoutout next day I update.

My little sister and brother are having a full-blown fight over something. Like, they're screaming at eachother. They better shut the hell up, before I break something. I think it's over the last Oreo or something.

Okay, I'll stop there, sometimes I feel the a/n's are longer than the actual chapters!


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