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A/N: picture of Gemma on the side!!
I sat up out of bed, stretched, and fell back down again. My mom came bursting into my room, humming a jolly little song. I groaned.

"Oh, honey, just get up out of bed and get to school!" My mom giggled, and opened my blinds, blinding me in the process. I looked around. This wasn't my bedroom? Then I remembered. I'd moved to London. This was my new house. This was my first day of school.

I looked at the alarm clock. It said 7:30. Shoot, I had 20 minutes to get ready and out of that door! I jumped up outta bed, and rushed over to my radio. I turned it on, and Nick Grimshaw was on the radio. I danced around for a bit, then turned serious.

I stripped off and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water flow over my tense muscles. Well, not but a wonder I'm tense, you would be on the first day of a new school too!

"Sweetie, 5 minutes!" Mom called from down the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Ugh!" I said, realising I had no time to dry my hair. Great, I'd just have to go to school with a wet pony-tail. Not a great first impression.

I squeezed the water droplets out of my hair and let it hang loose for a minute, while I got changed into my uniform. Yeah, over here in England they have to wear a uniform! I didn't really like the uni that much..

I hitched my skirt up to just above my knees, 'cause I'm just cool like that. Just kidding.

I brushed my hair, and even though I was just out of the bath, it was still in knots. I tugged and tugged until I had got the last knot out.   I grabbed a hair-tie and pinned my hair into place. It was starting to dry already.

"Mom, I'm ready!" I called, and I grabbed my rucksack, ready for my first day of school.

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