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A/N - Shoutouts:

@MiriamK (Well, their parents let them out cause I mean, their 16 and allowed a bit of freedom, lol).


Gemma's POV

I woke up yet again, my head still pounding. Loads of people were starting to stand up and go home. Danielle, however, was still passed out in the corner.

"Asa. Ace?" I shook him. No reply. I put a little more pressure on his shoulder, and his eyes shot open.

"What?" He asked, his voice cracking with tiredness.

"I think we should check on Danielle, she still hasn't woke up!" I said, getting up and tip-toeing over to her. I reached down and patted her shoulder, gently at first then applying more pressure, just like I did with Asa. She finally opened her eyes, thank God.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around and squinting.

"Megan's house. Remember, we were at her party last night?" I said, feeling nausea surround me.

"Oh yeah... Shit, my head is absolutely pounding!" Danielle rubbed her temples. "Where's Aramis?"

"Um.." I stopped and looked around, expecting to see him on the floor or on a different sofa. No sign. "I have no idea."

"He better not be doing the dirty with another girl, because if he is I will literally cut his dick off." Danielle said angrily, my eyes widened and I laughed it off. She can be vicious sometimes!

"I don't think he will be, love," I patted her arm then offered her my hand. She gratefully took it and hauled herself up, nearly making me topple onto her.

"Okay, we'll check the bathroom. He might be throwing up again, that's when I last saw him." I said, leading the way into the toilet. Nope.

"Bedrooms?" Danielle asked, cocking her head in the direction of the stairs. I nodded.

"Worth a try." We walked quietly up the stairs, trying not to wake what was left of the teenagers. When we reached the top, I craned my neck around the banisters, trying to get a good look in each of the rooms. The doors were hanging right open for everyone to see.

"I see him!" Danielle squealed/hissed, running up and bursting into a random bedroom. Luckily, Aramis was there, his limbs sprawled all over the bed.

"Hi Mr. Sleepyhead!" I said calmly, walking into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. I got a groan in reply.

"What's up?" Danielle asked. What a stupid question!

"What do you think?!" Aramis replied.

"Sorry." Danielle giggled, then turned to me. "Where's Ace?"

"Well, he woke up and spoke to me for a while; but I think he fell into another sleep." I muttered, feeling the vomit rise higher in my throat. "Look, I needa.." Before I could finish, I was away.

I heard footsteps behind me, and turned to see Danielle looking worried. "Want me to hold your hair back or pat your back or something?" She asked. I shook my head quickly and ran into the bathroom, locking the door and chucking up my insides.

"Never drinking again!" I stated, putting my head down and throwing up one last time. There was a knock at the door once I was finishing up.

"Yeah?" I called weakly.

"Hey, it's Asa. Danielle told me you were being sick."

"Yup," I said, taking another gulp of mouthwash and unlocking the door to let him in.

"You look horrible." Asa stated.

"Gee thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"No, no I mean you look beautiful, you look horrible as in sick.." He babbled, giving me a worried little glance. I laughed it off.

"I know. When I get home, I am getting into bed and sleeping. Forever." I went down the stairs, looking for my bag and shoes along the way. I found one shoe, but couldn't find the other.

"Gemma? Here's your shoe." Bradley, the boy from last night said, holding up the tan heel.

"Thank you so much!" I said, taking it off him and stuffing my foot inside.

"Hey no problem. You're a good little dancer by the way," He smirked.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, looking into my little powder compact mirror.

"Sure you and Asa were dancing last night. It was very late though, you were both drunk and Asa was high."

My mouth dropped open, and Asa appeared behind me, his reaction the exact same as mine.

"WHAT?!" We both said together.



QOTD - What would your reaction be if Gemma ever cheated on Asa? Random question, haha.

Hope you enjoyed.


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