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A/N - I love you guys so much. I really do. I would give every single one of you a lollipop if I saw you, because you're all just so amaze balls!

Shoutouts from yesterday!







Read on for the next QOTD.


Gemma's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the building, the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. A big gust of wind had just blew, and I was holding onto Asa's arm, trying not to get blown away.

"Holy bajesus!" Asa said, making me giggle a bit. I stopped when a raindrop fell on my nose. Then lots came down.

"Oh good God!" I yelled and we started running until we reached Asa's car and jumped inside.

"Danielle and Aramis won't have a lift!" I said, buckling myself up. Asa just shrugged and started the engine quickly.

"One of their mum's are bound to pick them up." He said while waving at a car who let him go. When he drove he was just so sexy. Ugh, stop it Gemma. Just control your Butterfeels for now.

"You know what? We should make some hot chocolate, put on our matching onesies and watch some movies? Deal?" I asked.

"Yes, definitely a deal!" Asa said, taking one hand of the wheel and setting it on my knee. I looked down at it and smiled happily, knowing that we where all okay. For now.

"What movie?" I asked. Asa shrugged.

"I have loads. Oh, and my house or yours?"

"I don't mind,"

"We'll go to yours then?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I have lots of movies too. What about This is Us?" I added, excitedly.

"NO!" Asa said, raising his eyebrows.

"So mean.." I said, putting on a puppy face, widening my eyes and pouting. "By the way, I need to dry my hair too," I touched my sopping hair, then focused my vision out of the road.

"Okay, that's fine. When are you going to start learning to drive?"

"Never. Why should I, when I have my own personal chauffeur right here?" I gestured at him, and we both laughed.

"Sure you do," He laughed, pretending to roll his eyes. I giggled.

"We're here!" He said, pulling into his own driveway."

"Okay, meet me at my house in five, get your onesie, you know the matching one? And yeah. See you in a sec," I planted a kiss on Asa's lips and grabbed my bags and got out of the car, closing the door behind me. I produced a key from my pocket and unlocked the door, to be hit with the aroma of warmth and cookies baking. It was already 9:30 and my mom still hadn't left for work.

"OH, hello sweetie!" She said, coming into the hall with her nurse uniform on. "Just thought I'd bake you some cookies before I go to work. Did you have a good time?" I smiled at my mother, and said.

"As a matter of fact, I did have a good time. Asa's coming over and we're going to have a movie marathon! Thank you so much for baking the cookies, I love you!" I went and gave her a little kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Aw Gemma, that's what mom's are for. Justin's away to a party tonight, so you'll have the house to yourselves. No funny business now!"

"No funny business mom, I promise. Now go, you'll be late for work!"

"Alright alright, where's my bag?" She said, running back into the kitchen and returning a couple of minutes later with her purse. I smiled fondly and gave her another kiss and hug.

"Love you. See you later! Bye!!" I called after her.

"See you tomorrow babe!" She got into the car, started the engine and gave me one last wave. I waved after her and closed the door, grabbing my wet swimming things and stuffing it all into the washing machine on the way past. I rushed up to my room and got my pink star onesie with the hood on. Asa had a blue one. Cheesy, I know, but it was cute. I then grabbed the duvet and brung it down plopping it on the sofa and fixing some pillows around.

"Ok, now for the movies!" I muttered to myself. I looked through the DVD rack, and came across a couple that looked good. The Great Gatsby, The Vow or, my favorite, Saw! The doorbell rang as I placed the movies on the table.

"Perfect!" I mumbled, before running to get it.


A/N - if I could, I would give each of you one of Gemma's mom's cookies. I swear I would.

QOTD - What's your favorite movie and why? It doesn't have to be an Asa movie, just a movie in general. And what do you think of the matching onesie idea? That's another part of the question. Everyone who comments will get a shoutout next time I update.



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