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"Can we go to McDonalds?" I whined like a little kid. I was absolutley STARVING.

"Gemma! It's only 12:30!" Asa replied, checking his wrist-watch. I shrugged.

"Lunch-time! C'mon, I'm going to pass out with hunger!" I moaned, over-exaggerating. A LOT.

"Ugh, I'm really hungry too." Danielle chimed in. "Look, the nearest one is just right there," She pointed in front of us, and sure enough, there was a McDonalds.

"Fine," Asa agreed. Then Aramis looked at our bags.

"What did you guys get in Hollister?" He asked, trying to peek inside Danielle's. She batted him away fiercly.

"You'll see later on," She said, closing the bag over again and holding it firmly.

"Asa?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Do you wanna see what I got?" I asked, snuggling up to him.

"Sure," I opened the bag and pulled out the little pink bikini. He stared at it for a while, mouth open.

"Woah," He said, once I'd shook my hand in front of his face.

"Do you like it?" I asked, knowing what the obvious answer would be anyway.

"I don't just like it, I love it. You're going to look s-o-o good tonight," He whispered in my ear and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I giggled, and put his arm around myself, just fitting there perfectly.

"My little pervert," I whispered under my breath. He didn't hear, thank God.

We made it to McDonalds, and found that the queue wasn't that long. Waiting in the line, we all talked about our favorite movies.

"Well, I like all Disney movies, but my favorite out of all of them has to be.." I thought a while. "Either Tangled, Monsters Inc, or Toy Story. Mostly Pixar movies," I added.

"Well, if I had to choose it would definitley have to be... Um, Despicable Me, I love the minions!" Danielle said. I agreed.

"Same!! If I had all the money in the world, a minion would be quite high on my list," We all chuckled.

"Asa? What about you?" Aramis asked. Asa thought for a while, before saying.

"I don't really have a FAVORITE movie, but I like Anchorman." He said. Aramis agreed.

"Me too. Hey, we should TOTALLY go see the second one!" Everyone agreed excitedly.

"We should!" I said, before, going off and ordering, Asa and Aramis going to the tills on either side of me.

"Hello. What would you like?" The cashier asked.

"Hi, could I have the chicken McNugget meal, with a medium portion of fries and a chocolate shake please?" I asked. She nodded, punching everything into the till.

"Is that all?" She asked. I nodded and she went to fetch my meal. When she came back with it on the tray, I payed her a 10.

"Keep the change," I said, walking away and feeling like a bouse. ( ;) )

I was going to find a seat, but found Asa and Aramis already sitting down. They called me over and I smiled. Once I was seated, I looked for Danielle. She was having a hard time with a foreign worker.

"Nooo, I said, can I have a chicken MCNUGGET meal with a SMALL PORTION OF FRIES!" I had to stuff a large amount of fries in my mouth to keep myself from bursting out laughing.

"Should we go up and help her?" Aramis asked, putting his hand over his mouth and laughing.

"No, look, I think she's got it sorted," I replied, because she looked triumphant. We soon saw why, she'd got a new server. She finally ordered and walked away, rolling her eyes at us.

"1st rule, before you start working in McDonalds, make sure you understand English," She said, plopping down in between me and Aramis. "Jesus Christ, I'll not be coming to this place AGAIN," She put 2 chips in her mouth. We all burst out laughing at her anger.

"I'm deadly serious!" She said, but she found herself giggling a minute or so later. She threw a bunch of chips at either of us and we all gasped.

"NO YOU DID-ENT!" I said with sass, before throwing a bunch back at her. Asa grabbed a bit of lettuce out of his burger and threw it at Danielle.

"ASA!!!!!!" She squealed, before throwing her bag of chicken nuggets at him. All of them. Aramis threw his whole BURGER at Asa and he gasped, lettuce hanging out of his hair. I dipped a chicken nugget into ketchup and smothered it all over Aramis' face. He squeaked and opened a satchet of mayonaise.

"Don't you dare.." I said slowly, but it was too late. He squirted the packet at me, and it landed all over my clothes and in my hair and EVERYTHING. "UGH!" I yelled, but found myself laughing too.

"Ew! Let's get outta here!" Asa said, looking at the angry manager who was approaching us. He grabbed my arm while Aramis grabbed Danielle and we flew out of McDonalds, bumping into a lot of people and making them drop their meals.



A/N - :) F O O D F I G H T ! ! !

QOTD - What's been your favorite scene so far in this book? I'll give all the people who comment a shoutout in the next chapter, yes that's right. EVERYONE! So get commenting loves!



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