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A/N - Shoutouts;

@Lotus_Dancer (Who is like my best commenter!)








Asa's POV (Before the dream).

"I'm so tired!" Gemma wailed, pulling the duvet over her. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Go to sleep, Gemma," I said, meaning to sound soothing, but instead it came out sounding really creepy.

"Alright Jeff," She giggled and I chuckled.

"So are you going to sleep or not?" I asked, snuggling down under the duvet. She muttered something that represented a 'yes' and closed her eyes slowly. I smiled and snapped a picture of her, then stroked her hair again. She started to toss and turn for a while, kicking me on the legs repeatedly. I didn't want to move her though, scared of waking her up again. My chin was still hurting!

I was starting to drift of to sleep myself when I heard Gemma crying. I jumped and shot up. I fixed my eyes on her and she was sobbing and everything!!

"Gemma! Gemma, wake up!" I shook her and her eyes shot open. I saw the fear in them.

"Oh Asa! Never leave me!" She said, jumping on me and sobbing into my chest.

"As if I'd ever leave you princess, now tell me what this dream, or should I say, nightmare was about?" I asked, kissing the top of her head.

"Oh Jesus. Well, first off, we were sitting right here and you said you had something to tell me. I asked you what it was and took your hands, but you pulled away from me. The thing that upset me, was when you said that you'd been seeing Isabella behind my back for months! Anyway, I started crying and all and ran into the kitchen to see her (Isabella) standing there. She called me a whore for some reason? I was about to say something back like, but you just appeared and said 'come on Isabella we have better things to be doing than talking to a little bitch like her" and I think that's what got me going." She explained, all in one breath. I heard every word though, and clutched her tighter.

"Well, don't you worry, because that will never happen in real life! And you're not a bitch or a slut either, so don't think that." I replied.

"I'm glad it was only a dream!" She laughed shakily, wiping her hair out of my eyes.

"It was only just a dreammmm," We sung in sync, then immediately burst out laughing.

"Isabella. Ugh, I hate her," Gemma said in frustration.

"Me too. She thinks she owns the place! And by the place I mean school! Have you seen the way she walks? Slut." I replied. I sounded like a complete and utter girl, but anything to make my girlfriend happy.

"I know! Flipping bitch. I think she's had a boob job to be honest," Gemma said. "Not that I've been looking or anything, well you can't really help it they're just there like.." She gestured at her chest in a roundabout motion. I nodded.

"I know what you mean. Not that I've been looking at them either like, but as you said, they just pop out at you like, woah.."

"Did you hear, she's making a move onto Jason!" Gemma enquired. Jason was the head jock of our school, who I was also pretty close with. He was one of my buds.

"Good luck to her, seeing as Jason is seeing Shelly!" I said.

"Shelly Dawson?! NO WAY!" She exclaimed, her eyes popping. "Since when?!"

"Since last Wednesday!" I said, in the same tone.

"Shelly's a feisty one, and she won't be long showing her claws if Isabella goes near Jason!"

"I know right!" My phone vibrated with an Instagram notification. I checked it quickly, and it was a message from a perverted Asanator. It read;

"Sit on my face Asa pls"

I stared at it for a while and scratched my head.

"Gemma.. Look at this please," I said, handing her my phone. She took one look at the comment and burst out laughing. Phew, thank God.


A/N - QOTD - What is the scariest dream you've ever had? Comment down below, and also comment your opinion of this chappie.



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