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A/N - Here are the shoutouts from last time. Thanks for commenting.














Read on for the next QOTD.


Gemma's POV

As I ran to get the door, I banged my hip of the side of the banister. It hurt like hell, but I just ignored it and opened the door to see Asa wearing his matching blue onesie. I smiled and pulled him inside, away from the rain.

"Thanks-- woah, what's that smile, it's so nice!" He asked, sniffing the air. I giggled.

"My mom made cookies. Don't ask why, she just did."

"Well that's perfect. Your mums so sweet."

"I know," I giggled again and led him into the living room were the DVDs where sat out. "Pick which one you wanna watch," I said, gesturing at them and plopping myself on the sofa. Asa was eyeing up Saw, so I picked it up and took the actual DVD out of the case. "This one?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind. I'm kind of in a scary film mood," he replied. I nodded in agreement, as I was hoping he was going to pick that one.

"I'll just go in and get the food ready. We can order a pizza or something later if we get really hungry," I went into the kitchen, poured some popcorn in a bowl and sat the cookies on a plate. I brought them into Asa and snuggled under the duvet, waiting for the menu to come up.

"Wait, can't we take a selfie to show off our matching onesies?" Asa asked, getting his phone out. I had just started to get comfortable, but I didn't like to say anything so I sighed and got up. He propped his phone against the table and I did a sideways pose, hands on hip, and my hair hanging down. Asa just did the '👌' sign, like he always did.

"Where are you gonna upload it?" I asked.

"Instagram?" Asa replied, typing away. I looked over his shoulder to see what the caption was going to say.

'Movie night with my amazing girlfriend in our matching onesies. How cute are we?😘 @GemmaWilson_ '

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, before pressing play. Asa's phone kept dinging with notifications, so I paused so he could check them. Some of the comments on that photo were pretty embarrassing.

'Oh movie night. Use protection!;)' someone commented. We blushed together.

Another said, 'have you actually done it yet? Cause if not, you'll definitely do it tonight. Movies always end like that'

"Perverts," I giggled a bit, as redness crept higher above my cheeks. Asa was a little red himself, but he turned his phone on silent and locked it before cuddling under the duvet with me. I snuggled into him and took the movie off pause. The first trap came on, the bathroom trap were they had to cut off a part of their body to get free. I watched, shuddering at the sight of blood.

"Oh Jesus God," Asa said, covering his eyes and burying his face into my neck. I patted his head, my eyes fixed on the screen.

"Jesus Christ," I whispered under my breath and popped another bit of popcorn in my mouth.

"How can you eat when you're watching something like this!" Asa said, taking his head out of my neck for a minute and looking up before looking away again. I shrugged.

"I'm not really squeamish,"

"Says the girl who cried during Insidious!" Asa said, his voice muffled. I slapped his arm playfully.

"Shut up you!"


A/N - I was planning more for this chappie but my phone is going to die in a minute, so I can't really.

QOTD- what movie would you watch with Asa and why? Comment!


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