28 Days Left

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7:00 - Wake up

7:10 - Shower

7:20 - Eat breakfast

7:30 - Get out of the house.

7:45 - Be at school.

7:50 - Get books.

7:55 - Be in class.

Morning Caleb, I greet myself as I make my way to class.

I've inhabited a couple of control freak bodies, but never on this level.

Caleb is precise, he has a certain arrangement for his things. All should be in their right positions. Even the way he speaks; concise and refined; nothing more, nothing less. He lives and breathes order.

I can tell that people around Caleb are used to him being too controlling, others tend to be intimidated, some think he's a loser, but none of this matters to him. He doesn't care.

At school his locker is arranged. The books on the top shelf (alphabetically arranged), spare clothes on the middle (color coded) and shoes on the bottom.

He walks down the hallway on the right side, ignoring others he bumps because they're not following the rules.

He's in the front of every class and sits straight like his life depends on it. Based on the way he thinks, maybe it does.

By the time lunch rolled around I'm more tired than usual. Maintaining precision is harder than I thought.

"You don't seem right, you okay?" a friend asks. Usually I learn their names the moment I see them -through accessing- but keeping up with Caleb took all my focus.

His name is Greg. "I am perfectly alright. Thank you." I replied.

I sat down Caleb's usual spot. I started peeling my grapes when my heart started to beat really fast.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Greg asks me again, "You look quite ill."

I don't know if there's a specific word that can describe what I am feeling at the moment. Something is bound to happen today. I can feel it.

"I have to go." I said to no one in particular. I didn't wait for their replies. I can hear them call me but I ignored them.

My heart is hammering as I started the car. I drove towards nowhere. I don't know what's happening. There's a force within me that directs the body. I follow it, this feels important.

I stop at this parking lot, I parked the car and got out. I'm walking around aimlessly, heart still beating erratically, but this feels right.

A loud screech rang out, the sound of a tire rubbing against asphalt. My heart started to pound even harder.

When you're in a life and death situation your adrenal gland pumps a chemical called adrenaline. This enables a person to do impossible things. I learned this in class from one of the bodies I've inhabited. Back then I thought I'm being tricked, now I know it's true.

I can see everything. I see the car skidding. I see the shocked expression of pedestrians. I see a girl about to get crushed.

A lot of things registered inside my head in a second; a girl about to get flattened by five tons of steel, the lifeless driver strapped in his seat, and the terrified faces of bystanders. One thought propelled me forward. Save her.

I've been wondering what would happen to me if a body I inhabit dies? Would I die also? I don't have the guts to experiment, so I stayed safe. Me saving this girl means not staying safe. But somehow, it's okay. I have a gut feeling that as long as she's safe I think I will be. So I started to run.

Faster, I'm not sure why I'm doing this. Faster, my gut tells me this is okay. Faster, I have to get there in time.

I'm by her side in an instant. She's paralyzed with shock. I tackled her out of the way.


The deafening screech of metal bended by brute force, the car stumbled to a stop at the exact place we were a second ago.

Pedestrians started to gather. The traffic stopped. I can hear shouting. Others are crying. "Oh my God! Someone call 911!!" A voice rang out above the others.

I look at the girl in front of me. I shake her a little, "Hey, are you okay?" I ask her.

No answer, I shake her again. Her eyes closed I ask her again. "Hey are you okay? Can you open your eyes? Look at me."

At the last line, her eyes fluttered open. She looked around her, taking everything in; the cloudless sky, the panicked pedestrians, the crumpled car. Finally she landed her eyes on me.

I saw her. My heart skipped a beat, then everything went black.

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