27 Days Left

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I found her. After so long, I finally found her.

I said a silent sorry to my host for I have no plans in following today's schedule.

I got out of bed, took a quick shower and got dressed all under ten minutes.

Last night I got her email, I sent her a message and I hope she's read it. I fire up the computer and searched for a map to the city we were in yesterday. I'm thirty minutes away.

I start up the car and drove off towards my drifter.

I remember everything that happened yesterday, starting from the moment I woke up on my way to the hospital.

"Where is she?" The first words out of my mouth. I'm inside this ambulance. Paramedics are holding me down, telling me to stay calm.

"We're on our way to the hospital. You'll see her there." The lady paramedic told me.

All the way there I was agitated. I have no idea why her wellbeing is so important to me. All I know is that I want her safe, alive and by my side. Never in my history of shifting did this happen. This is the first time. All these thoughts run through my head as the sirens whale.

On our arrival, I insisted I was fine and refused to get confined, but needed to undergo a check-up. After the necessary things are arranged I searched for her.

I am really worried. I need to find her. Is she alright?

"Are you sure?" I ask a nurse on her way to check on her.

"See for yourself." She opened a door that led to a ward. I saw her and my nervous heart pounded harder.

I can't stop looking at her. The sight of her made my mind go blank. The way she looked at me made my knees week. What is all this feeling?

I parked my car on the same lot I did yesterday, I got out and started my search.

I walked aimlessly, looking for her. Hoping to find her here like I did yesterday.

I remember feeling all kinds of nervous. The way she carried herself left me awes trucked and dumbfounded. She showed me the world in a new light. Made me think differently. In that short amount of time, she changed me. Made me feel emotions that I never knew existed.

I revisited Betty's Deli and the Cornucopia, but I didn't see her there.

Our conversation about the human classification rang inside my head. I saw all the people around me in a new light. All the things that made them tick and turn appeared in their eyes and very actions. Every one of them carry their own hopes, dreams and burdens. Wishing things were different, wanting things back like before, hoping that tomorrow would be okay. Everything seemed different.

"I get it now Elizabeth. Thank you." I said to myself. I said it out loud hoping that she would hear me.

I was so focused on communicating with her that I didn't ask for her home address. I feel stupid.

I wondered aimlessly until the sun was about to set. I got on my car and drove home.

Don't get me wrong I'm not giving up. I'm regrouping and planning. After months of searching, I finally found her, I know it's her. I can feel it inside me.

The way she acts, the way she smiles, the way she breathes, the way she thinks. All of it speaks to me in a level I can't comprehend, but I can feel. This rumbling and tumbling in my gut, the weakening of my knees, my mental blocks when I look at her. All of it I've never felt before. I know it's her, I just have to find her again.


Today I searched for you but forgive me I wasn't very successful.

How was your day? I hope it wasn't as fruitless as mine was. I wish you had fun.

Hoping for the best,


P. S. I never got your home address. Where do you live?


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