3 Days Left

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I can't remember the last time I felt this nervous.

"Trust me," Elizabeth told me reassuringly, "you'll be fine. You're with me remember?"

Somehow her words calmed my chaotic nerves.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask her, desperate for her to change her mind.

"One hundred percent positive. We will have so much fun." She told me excitedly as she wrapped her arm around mine.

We start to walk down the makeshift red carpet.

These past few days I'm just Victor. I'm not Larry, Leroy, or Louise. Neither am I Simon, Stephen or Samuel. For Elizabeth I'm always Victor.

For experience, and for fun. We watched movies, went to museums, we've hiked mountains, had a day at the beach. We've dedicated our time into experiencing things normal teenagers like us do. She wanted this, it made her happy. Nothing makes me happier than seeing her happy.

Elizabeth insisted we try everything. Her adamant personality led us here, Middleton High's Homecoming Prom with the theme: Angels and Demons. She wanted to be the demon, ergo I'm the angel.

I didn't want to go at first, but my drifter's tenacious personality prevailed. Now, I'm wearing a two piece sky blue suit with a white bow tie.

"You look dashing by the way." She told me as we pose for the commemorative photo.

"Okay, smile to the camera." The photographer said as he started the count down, "One, two, and three."

A blinding flash covered my eyes for a second, then it was gone.

"I hate you for dragging me here, but I have to say you look amazing in your dress." I complemented her and took her hand to lead her inside.

Elizabeth is wearing a red satin mid length dress. The cuts on her apparel were simple and precise. To others, the dress would look silly, but somehow she managed to look graceful but still alluring in a way. I can' take my eyes off of her.

"You see something you like?" Elizabeth teased.

"Shut up." Her words made me blush.

"Aww. Victor, you're so adorable. Have I ever told you that?"

"Only a hundred times" I remember the time she first called me adorable. It was a few days after we started seeing face to face, about five days ago. We were at the beach and it was the first time I saw Elizabeth wearing a swimsuit. Added with the fact that she was inside a body of a really sexy girl. I can't help my tomato face.

We sat at the table near the exit and made ourselves comfortable. I can't help but get excited for the night to come.


"Come on Victor, just one last dance." Elizabeth slurred.

"You're drunk." I told her as we make our way towards her house.

"I thought so too. Maybe it's just the Placebo Effect."

"Yeah maybe"

It's almost midnight. I need to get her to sleep before the clock strikes twelve, or she will feel the pain of the shift.

"Please Victor, just one last dance." She still insisted.

I can't say no to her. However hard I try.

"Okay." I put my arm around her waist, and I started to sway, slowly, in time to the non-existent music.

"Sing for me please."

"As you wish my lady"

I accessed the memory of my body and found a nice song. I thank the universe that today I have a nice singing voice.

I was a quick-wet boy

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys

Then when the cops closed the fair

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere

I sang the song to hear ears softly. We swayed in time with the song's slow pace.

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, jealous, weeping

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill looming

I let her go, and held on to one of her hands and I made her spin slowly in time with the song's slow pace.

Now I'm a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks

Pissing on magazine photos

Those fishing lures

Thrown in the cold and clean

Blood of Christ mountain stream

She rested her head on my chest as I held her again. We swayed in time with the slow pace of the music that we share. Under the star covered night. Unseen by judging eyes, and unheard by eavesdropping ears.

I wish for time to stop. I wish we could just stay here and not worry about tomorrow.

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill stuck going down

I held her close. I held her tight. I felt her head loll as she fell asleep under the starry night.

"Sleep my love. I'm sorry I can't tell you, forgive me for my cowardice." I kiss her forehead. "I love you more than anything in this world."

I don't want to tell her. I want her to live her life without worries. I want her to be happy.

If I tell her now, I might unnecessarily force her to love me. I don't want that for her. I want her to be able to choose.

If she wants me, I'm all hers. But if not It's okay. I'm still here anyway.


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