17 Days Left

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I'm dressed and ready to head out before I even opened my eyes.

I said an apology to Benjamin, I'm not going to school today, and I'm going to miss a couple of his tests and quizzes.

I got out of the house, peeled myself away from the driveway and drove like a maniac towards our city, hoping that if I got there early I'll catch her.

I threw all my care out the car window.

Faster, I need to see her. Faster, I need to hear her voice. Faster, I need to fix this.

I'm hours away, I do not care. I'm hours away, I drive faster.

After an eternity of exits and traffic lights I finally arrived.

As soon as I stop and parked my car, it became clear to me, like an unearthed treasure, she's not here.

I don't know how I know this, but I won't find her here.

After hours on the road and this. A normal sane person would ultimately give up, but I'm not normal and I'm crazy, crazy for her. I stayed and searched the nearby areas.

Houses, houses and houses. Outside the city limits, the place is a big suburban site. A place for family people among other family people.

She's not here. My inner gut told me. I don't know what's happening, but if it helps me find her then I won't have any questions.

I passed a high school on my search. My gut tells me she's not around here.

I looked from side to side, to have a better vantage.

I stomp my feet on the breaks, I almost hit a kid, because I wasn't paying attention. Because I saw her, there on the parking lot, surrounded by friends and admirers.

I stopped my car, got out and ran towards her.

"Elizabeth, what the hell were you thinking?" I shouted as soon as I'm within hearing range.

Her crowd parted to let me through, I walked slowly then I'm in front of her.

"Uhm sorry, but who did you say you were again?" instead of answering me, she asked her own question.

If words had their own hands, they would've made my face red because of non-stop slaps.

Of course she won't recognize me, I'm inside a different body.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else." I said to her and ran back to my parked car.


The scene earlier was embarrassing to say the least. I should've thought things through before I shouted like a mad man. How stupid.

Of course I didn't leave right away, I finally found her. I'd be really stupid if I did. But something's bothering me, I can't feel her. I mean, I was faced to face with her, but I can't seem to feel her presence. Her eyes weren't as beautiful as before, her voice -I now realized didn't give me goosebumps. My heart didn't even pound, it's still beating normally. It's like I'm faced with a different person. But I know it's her, she even wore the same shirt the first time I saw her, did I mention she owns the same car with the same plate numbers?

Something's off, and I'm going to find out why.


"Why are you stalking me?" she asked me as she finished her fifth lap around the place.

We're in this park near her house. I followed her here to confirm some things.

"I'm not stalking you. I'm just sitting here." I stretched my arms to give more emphasis.

30 Days LeftWhere stories live. Discover now