Chapter 3

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We had a stare down at the table.  We didn't speak.  We just stared each other in the eyes daring the other to blink.  Or speak.  He blinked.

"Dammit" he whispered.

"Heh, fuck you" I said smirking.  He sighed looking at his menu.  "So"

"So?" he asked.

"So, why the fuck did you drag me out of bed at six on my day off to take me to an over priced cafe and have a staring contest with me apparently" He smirked.

"Call it my pompous way of apologizing for my assholish behavior" He said "Now pick something"

"Bossy today aren't we Mr. Wentz"

"As always Mr. Stump"

"I'm not gonna date you" I said crossing my arms.

"No one said anything about dating"

"Hmm" The waitress came over pouring coffee into my mug. 

"Thank you" I smiled at her. 

"What can I get you Mr. Wentz?" She smiled at him biting her lip.  What is it about this man that makes women swoon?  I mean, don't get me wrong he's extremely attractive but every woman he meets just falls at their knees. 

"Just my usual today" he said.  She looked at me. 

"And for you sir?" she asked.

"Just the coffee's fine" I said.  She nodded leaving.  He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Don't steal things off my plate, I know this trick-"

"Trust me I will not be taking food off your disgusting plate thank you" I sipped my coffee then realized it had nothing in it which led to me almost choking on it.  Pete held up the sugar smirking.  I grabbed one of the artificial sweeteners from the thing just to defy him.  He frowned placing the sugar on the table. 

"So you don't eat?" he asked.

"No, I hate breakfast it grosses me out.  But I do eat" I sipped the now better tasting coffee. 

"When?" he asked.

"When I fucking can, and how the hell do you know where I live?" He laughed again.

"I know everything" he said.

"Well you sure as hell act like it.  Dick" A small smile played on his lips.  "What?" I snapped.

"I'm not used to having people defy me.  It's certainly something new"

"Oh, you poor spoiled rich boy" I rolled my eyes.  I crossed my arms sitting back.

"Not always" he mumbled.

"Oh please, I know who your father is, you grew up with a silver spoon so far down your throat it could never get removed" He stared at the table.  "What?  No smart comeback?  I bet your daddy paid for it all huh?"

"Shut up" he said angrily through his teeth.

"Must be fucking nice, you're like daddys princess except you're a prince"

"Shut up!" he yelled.  I shut my mouth immediately.  Everyone stared at us.  He stared at me in anger.  His face was getting redder by the second.  "Don't you ever, pretend you know me because you don't.  You never will.  You'll never every understand what I went through" I gulped.  Damn.  I hit a soft spot didn't I?  He fixed his tie "Now, would you please, just get something to eat"

"I'm not hungry" I said.  He sighed. 

"Patrick just eat-"

"I'm not hungry would you stop with this controlling bullshit!?  Jesus, this was a mistake.  I'm done" I stood up leaving the coffee on the table.  I dialed Brendons number on my way out and leaned against the wall.


"Can you come pick me up?  I'm at that stupid cafe for rich people"

"Why're you there?"

"It's such a long story Bren.  Are you working?"

"No.  I can get you.  Do you care if Ryans with me?"

"No.  Thanks Brendon"

"What're best friends for?"

"Distracting you with Harry Potter marathons"

"Yeah, and buying pizza"

"See you soon"

"Bye Trick" I pulled the phone from my ear.  I shivered a little and rubbed my arms for warmth.  I sat down on the cement.  Why does this kind of shit happen to me?  Brendons car pulled up in front of me.  The two got out.

"Hi" I said. 

"What happened?  Who's ass do I have to kick?"

"No ones" I mumbled.  He frowned and held his hands out to me.  I grabbed on letting him pull me off the ground.  I collapsed against his shoulder.

"Awh, poor Tricky"

"What happened Patrick?" Ryan asked gently.

"I wanna go home" I mumbled.

"We'll take you home" Brendon said. 

"I wanna sleep"

"And we'll let you sleep" Ryan laughed.

"Don't let Brendon eat all my food" I complained. 

"But you have good food!" he whined. 

"I have spongebob macaroni and cheese.  Shut up" I laughed.  They both grabbed one of my hands "Guys I wonder if everyone knows we're gay"

"Can I have a piggy back ride?" Ryan pouted at his boyfriend.

"If I let Ryan on my back they'll know" Ryan jumped up on Brendons shoulders.  I laughed at them.  Brendon put his glasses over my eyes. "My two favorite humans, let us go watch Harry Potter"

"After I sleep"

"After Patrick sleeps" Ryan said.  They led me to their car.  I frowned a little thinking about everything that just went down with Pete.  I probably really hurt him with what I said.  I wasn't even thinking I was just so pissed off that I said it.  I sat in the backseat trying not to let it bother me.  But the thought of how angry and hurt he looked kept coming into my brain.
It was ten at night and I was stupidly staring at the number I got a call from at six in the morning.  I stared at the call button then back at the number.  I sighed and pressed it.  Dammit, why was I such a decent human.  I had to apologize to the poor man.

"Pete Wentz" he answered.

"Mr. Wentz" I said gently.  He was silent for a second.

"Mr. Stump"

"I imagine you're working"

"You imagine correctly.  But I always have a moment to spare for pretty eyed boys who can't follow the rules"

"I didn't call because I was magically taken under your Pete Wentz spell, or because you've made me swoon in any way shape or form, I called because I owe you an apology for what I said about your father.  You're right I don't understand what you went through and I don't plan to pretend to understand.  I'm not usually like that, and I'm not sure why I said it" The line was so silent I almost thought he hung up on me. 

"Maybe, you can make it up to me by giving me a second chance"

"That depends on what you mean by a second chance"

"A dinner date maybe?"

"If you're trying to get me to fall for you-"

"Trust me Mr. Stump, I have absolutely no intention of making you fall for me"

"Then fine, text me the details I guess"

"Au Revoir Patrick"

"Goodbye Peter" I said.  I hung up after that.

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