Chapter 9

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Just as I was getting out of being sick I had one of the biggest emotional breakdowns of my life. All because my boss fired me, and because Brendon was moving away. I hadn't texted Pete back. Or Brendon. Or Ryan. No one. Absolutely no one. Apparently someone better came in and got my job. Then Brendon got offered a great job offer, in fucking Michigan. Of course I was happy for my best friend. But I wasn't happy he was leaving me for Michigan. I grabbed my phone sniffling and dialed. I pressed it to my ear letting it ring.


"Hi" I sobbed "I'm breaking down, I didn't know who else to call, I'm sorry Peter"

"What happened?"

"It's just everything, and it all caught up to me. I hate crying Peter, I fucking hate it. I feel weak and stupid and I-I" I stopped to catch my breath "Everyone I care about leaves me Peter"

"What happened? I'm coming over okay? I'll be there soon"

"You don't have to"

"Yes, I do. Talk to me baby, what happened?" Baby. He called me baby.

"It's Brendon. He's leaving, he's moving to Michigan, and I got fired. I don't know how but I did. I found this stupid picture of my parents" I sobbed. I grabbed it "They look so happy, they don't deserve to be happy"

"Calm down" He said.

"They're dead. They get to be free. What if I wanna be free!?" I yelled. Where was all this coming from? "What if I wanna leave to? I don't wanna do this anymore" At this point I was full on bawling. Like, when you can't see, can't breathe kind of bawling.

"Patrick don't say things like that" I hung up on him and tossed my phone. I grabbed the picture of my parents and threw it at the wall. This was my first psychotic meltdown. But what the fuck was it about. I'm usually so calm and in control of myself. I let out a frustrated scream as my phone rang again. I threw that against the wall too. It smashed and refused to turn back on. I grabbed the picture of Brendon and I that I kept on my nightstand and threw that against my bed frame. Next, the one of Ryan and I. Pete ran in just as I smashed the one of Ryan and I. He grabbed me hugging me tightly. I cried against his chest. "Make it stop!" I yelled. I cried harder "Make it fucking stop!" He held me tighter.

"Make what stop?" he whispered.

"Make it all stop" I sobbed.

"What? Make what stop? Tell me!" he yelled. Controlling as always.

"Everything" I whimpered "Everything, the pain, the sadness, everything" He gulped and ran his hands through my hair.

"Y-You're okay" he mumbled "You'll be okay"

"I don't wanna live" I whimpered "I don't wanna live Peter I wanna die. I want it all to stop"

"No! Don't talk like that!" He yelled.

"I don't matter" I whimpered.

"Yes you do. You matter to me" He said. He kissed my forehead. Then my cheek "Do you hear me Patrick? You matter to me" I hugged him tighter.

"Whats wrong with me?" I asked weakly "I haven't cried in eight years" He leaned down and kissed me. It was gentle surprisingly. He pulled away. The crying stopped. What the fuck was that?

"Maybe you held it all in too long and something triggered it" He shrugged.

"I'm sleepy" I whispered.

"Okay, so let's sleep. I won't leave your side"

"Do you promise?" I asked. He nodded.

"I promise" He said gently. Who was this man? What'd he do with the Pete Wentz I know?
When I woke up in the morning he was in the same position he was the night I lost my virginity.  Cuddled around me like I'd leave forever if he didn't trap me.  Except, this time he was awake.  And he was looking at me.  He played with a strand of my hair.

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