Chapter 31

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"The moment I get used to Hawaii is the moment we leave" I said to Brendon on the phone.

"Hey, Ry and I left like four days ago shut up"

"This was my honeymoon dickface"

"Speaking of that why are you on the phone with me and not having sex with your dominant husband?" I cringed at that.

"He's on a work call.  He's been on his laptop and phone all day.  I've been reading"

"Sounds like a shitty way to spend the last day"

"Yeah a little.  Plus, I've been doing all the packing.  I'd complain but he's been really good all week, and I really don't deserve that after what I pulled on the first day"

"I guess.  I gotta go, I have to make food so I can eat it and watch TV.  Goodbye I love you"

"Love you" I hung up before he could. 

"That's not gonna work!" Pete yelled.  I sighed and stood up getting off the bed. He was pacing around with his on his hip. "Then tell him I'll meet with him myself!" He looked over at me watching him from the doorway. "You're bothering me on my honeymoon to tell me this!?" His hand balled into a fist "No, tell him I'll meet with him myself when I'm finished on my honeymoon! Do not bother me again is this understood!?" He pulled the phone down and hung up.

"What happened?" I asked gently.

"Someone refused to sign a contract" he said "Which is a bullshit reason to bother me"

"Maybe. But it's alright" He shook his head.

"It's our last day here. It shouldn't be wasted like this" I wanted to go home.  It'd been a good week but I needed to leave.  I missed my bed.  I missed my house.  I missed my Brendon. 

"Yeah" I mumbled. 

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I miss home" I shrugged "Hawaii's fun and all but, I miss home"

"Do you wanna go home a day early?"

"No.  That's too much hassle.  I'm okay.  It doesn't matter"

"Well if you miss home I'd-"

"Peter really, I'm fine" He tilted his head to the side "What?" I asked.

"Why do you call me Peter?" he asked.  I raised my eyebrow.  Why do I call him Peter?  It's just been something I did since I met him. 

"I don't know" I said "I guess maybe I wanted something of my own.  I mean everyone calls you Pete.  So Peter's kind of my special thing.  I never really thought about it I just kinda called you it"

"You already have a lot of your own when it comes to me.  Why a name?"

"The name I call you was mine before you were.  No one called you Peter except me.  It was kind of my own thing before I really had my own thing"

"Did you fall in love with me before you admitted it?"

"What?" I asked. 

"Did you fall in love with me before you told me?"

"Well duh, isn't that how it works?"

"When did you realize you were in love with me?" What the fuck was he getting at? 

"I don't know?" I asked.

"Cause I can tell you when I knew I was in love with you" he smirked. 

"So tell me" I whispered. 

"When you left me.  I knew because of the amount of pain I felt.  I knew I was in love with you" He grabbed my hands and smiled at me "It definitely took me way too long to admit it though"

"Do you remember when I went psycho and locked myself in the bathroom"

"When you sat in the cold shower?" He asked.  I nodded.

"That was when I realized I was in love with you.  Thats why I sat in the cold shower.  My grandmother told me when you have a bad feeling you have to take a cold shower.  I thought love was a bad feeling" 

"Is it?" He asked.

"No" I shook my head.  We both smiled.  "What's it like for you?  I mean, falling in love"

"Hard" he admitted "And annoying you stubborn little fuck" I smiled innocently "But I like it"

"Do you ever wish you never fell in love with me?  You could still be a dominant.  You could still be in control"

"I don't regret it" He shook his head "Never will" I smiled and hugged him tightly. 

"I love you"

"I love you too pretty boy" he kissed the side of my head.  I smiled wider.
I ran inside my house and collapsed on the couch.  Pete laughed from behind me.

"You really did miss home" He said.  I closed my eyes smiling.  Our front door closed up and locked.  I hugged the couch pillow to myself happily.  "Patrick" he said. 

"Hm?" I asked. 

"O-open your eyes please" He said.  I didn't like the tone in his voice.  I sat up, opened my eyes, and looked at him. 

"What?" I asked.  He pointed forward.  I turned my head to see what he saw.  The pictures we had of us hanging on the wall were smashed.  I stood up quickly.  Glass was everywhere.  Pete walked around until he got to the hallway and disappeared in it.  I started picking up the broken glass. 

"No!" He yelled.  I dropped the glass and ran down the hallway.  I looked in each room until I found the one he was in.  His piano room.  I stared at the piano that was completely broken.  Whoever did this knew that was one of the only things that ever mattered to Pete.  He looked over at me.  "You're the only one who knows Patrick!" he yelled "What'd you do!?  Who'd you tell!?"

"You think this was me?" I asked.  He glared at me.

"You're the only one who knows why I play that piano!" He yelled.  He picked up a piece of paper on the ground.  I looked at the ground.  My poems.  All of them scattered on the floor.  I ran at him and snatched the paper from him.  He stared at me.  I looked around and started to gather them all up. 

"Why're my poems in here!?" I yelled at him.  He stared at me "You took my poetry book didn't you!?"

"No!" he yelled "I know those are private!"

"Then why are they in here Peter!?"

"I don't know!" He yelled back.  I walked out of the room trying to find anything else out of the ordinary.  I opened up the door to his room.  I dropped the poems after one look.  The whips were thrown everywhere.  The bed sheets were torn. 

"Peter" I said.  He stood by my side.

"I see" he mumbled.  I clicked the lights on.  There was a folder on the bed.  We both ran to it and opened it.  Pictures of me taken from the window.  Pictures of me getting changed.  Pictures of me on the couch.  Pictures of me reading.  All in here in a pile.  Pete looked like he was going to pass out.  I ran out of the room trying not to freak out.  I ran up the stairs to our bedroom.  It was completely destroyed.  Everything was thrown all around including our clothes.  Our bed was broken.  Sheets were torn.  Glass was shattered.  Pictures were broken.  The word 'Mine' was spray painted on the wall in red spray paint.  There were pictures of me taped to the wall.  The same pictures that we found in the file.  My CD collection was thrown everywhere.  It seemed like everything important to Pete and I was destroyed. 

"Peter!" I screamed.  Tears pricked my eyes.  I stared at the two tux's we wore to our wedding in shreds on the ground.  He ran up the stairs.  I walked over to the pile of fabric.  He looked around the room in shock.  "What is this?" I whispered.  He looked over at me.

"I don't know" he mumbled.  I stood up and ran over to him.  I hugged him tightly.  I had no idea what else to do.  He hugged back tightly.  "But I'm gonna kill whoever did this"

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