Chapter 8

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"Please don't throw up again" Brendon groaned. I grabbed the trashcan spilling my guts into it. Welcome to; having the flu. He sighed rubbing my back. I coughed and curled up into a ball when I was finished puking. "I'm calling Pete"

"No" I groaned. He'd been wanting to call Pete since the jump because I couldn't afford the medicine and doctors visits. "No, I don't want hi money"


"No. I don't want it"

"If you won't accept me taking you and you won't accept Ryan you have to accept Pete. So pick someone"

"You and Ryan don't have the money" I coughed again. "Ugh" I groaned. I felt like death slapped me in the face.

"Gimmie your phone"

"No" I said.

"Patrick give me your damn phone" He said. He tried to grab it but I wouldn't let go.

"No you're not calling Pete I don't want to use his money!" I yelled. My door opened.

"Not now Ryan!" Brendon yelled. "Gimmie your phone I'm calling Pete!"

"No! I won't ask him for money stop!"

"Hey!" Ryan yelled. We both froze and looked at him.

"You didn't!" I yelled, then started coughing. He did. He called Pete. Pete stared at me with a worried expression. He was of course dressed nicely in a suit. "Did you pull him from work?"

"From a meeting" Pete answered "It's fine"

"It's not! I'm not that sick!" I yelled. I went wide eyed. Brendon moved the trash can so I could reach it. I leaned over and puked yet again. Brendon sighed rubbing my back. I wiped my face and sat up. "Please, don't make me go to the doctor"

"Patrick you cannot just stay sick due to a fear of the doctors. Pete please, we can't afford it"

"No" I said sniffling "No ones paying for anything"

"I'll pay for it"

"Peter!" I yelled.

"Don't argue with me, I'm paying for it" I shut my mouth. I knew that look. And I did not wanna get punished.

"Brendon I don't wanna go to the doctors" I whined.

"You need to" I crossed my arms.

"No" I said.
"I can't believe I'm at the doctors" I groaned. I sat back against the wall on the patient bed. Pete had his arms crossed as he stared at me with an emotionless expression. His mouth was pressed into a thin line. "I'm gonna puke" I said. He jumped up grabbing a the trashcan and put it in front of me just in time. I puked into it. He sighed in relief as the doctor came in. And no, not Doctor Who. Fucking whovians. He stared at me as I finished puking. How? I don't even eat.

"Hello Mr. Stump" he said. I held up my hand to wave "Well, it definitely doesn't take Sherlock to say you're sick. With the flu most likely" I nodded. "Who's this?" he asked.

"This is-"

"Pete Wentz, I'm Patricks, boyfriend" he hesitated on the word. I went into a coughing fit right at that moment. Nice.

"Like, the Pete Wentz?" My doctor asked. Pete smiled nodding.

"Yes sir" he said.

"Well, thats pretty cool actually" He said smiling as he sat at his computer. "Okay, Patrick" he mumbled "I'm just going to prescribe you some medication that should take that sick feeling away. Really with things like the cold and the flu there's not much we can do. It's best to let it run its course. You should be fine by next week, if anything worse happens, like bronchitis, or a sinus infection added to the flu just come back. For now these pills should do the trick"

"Will they make me stop throwing up?" I asked.

"Actually, there are multiple reasons why you could be throwing up. Are you drinking enough liquids?"

"I don't know what counts as enough?" I asked.

"As much as you can when you can. Especially with the flu"

"I got a flu shot" I mumbled.

"Sometimes the shots can be ineffective. Theres no cure for the flu I'm afraid" He smiled "You'll be fine"

"Thanks dad" I rolled my eyes. I had a fear of doctors. But Brendons dad didn't count.

"Tell Brendon to call me" he said.

"He broke his phone" I pulled the trashcan closer. I leaned my head in. It felt like I had to throw up then the feeling passed. "Thank you" I said to him putting the can back "Bye dad"

"Bye adopted son" He laughed. Pete helped me off the bed and out the door.

"That's Brendons dad?" he asked. I nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder weakly. My fucking head was killing me. "A-are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" I laughed weakly. We went to the counter where they kept the pills and such. The lady handed Pete my prescription. I stopped walking to maybe make my head stop. Pete frowned at me. He grabbed my legs and lifted me bridal style. I didn't complain. I pressed my head into his neck. "Why'd you tell him you're my boyfriend?"

"I didn't know if he'd kick me out if I said you're just my friend. Some places are weird about it if it's not family"

"Oh" I said.
"Thank you" Brendon said to Pete while I tried to sleep.

"Of course" Pete mumbled "I have yo go back to work now" They both went silent for a second "Can you just call me please? I want to know how he's doing"

"Yeah" Wow, he really does fucking care. He cares so much and he'll never admit it. Then again, neither would I. "Pete, do you love him?"

"No, I don't love" He said quickly "I have to go" I heard his footsteps stomp across my floor then, my door slammed shut.

"Yikes, scary" Brendon said. I smiled a little bit. Yeah, he can be a little scary.

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