Chapter 29

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[so under pressure by queen ft david bowie got stuck in my head and i'm listening to it and I'm about to cry bc these are two of my heroes and now they're both dead and i am extremely sad]

"This house is nice" I said walking inside. 

"I know" Pete said pompously.

"Pompous asshole" I grumbled quietly.  He paused and looked back at me smirking.

"What was that?" he asked.  I raised my eyebrows and looked up at him.  He dropped his bag on the floor.  "Did you just call me a pompous asshole Mr. Wentz?" I gulped as he inched closer. He tugged my bag from my hands gently.  "Well?"

"Yes, its what you are" I said confidently.  He smirked again and grabbed my hips pulling me against him. 

"You're right" He said.  "But I'm your pompous asshole" I smiled widely. "There's a beach. It's a private beach. My private beach. Choose where you want to go"

"If I stay here, then we'll probably end up having sex" He smirked "So I choose the beach" I kissed his cheek and ran into the bedroom. I heard his footsteps following me. He tackled me onto the bed. "Peter!" I squealed and giggled. He hugged my stomach tightly. "Hi"

"Hello" He kissed my cheek "I love you"

"I love you too"
I ended up falling asleep so we didn't go to the beach. When I woke up he was staring at me. He smiled a little bit.

"Hey" he mumbled.

"Did you watch me sleep?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah" he whispered. He moved my hair from my eyes "Do you remember when I took your virginity?"

"Mhm" I mumbled.

"I watched you sleep then. It was weird. I felt something really different. Something I'd never really felt before, and I feel it whenever I watch you sleep now. I'm not sure what the feeling is, but I like it" I smiled.

"I think I get the same feeling when you tell me you love me" I said.

"I do love you" Something smashed. We both froze. He looked over at the closed bedroom door. We heard another smash and a yelp. This time he stood up.

"Peter, no" I hissed.

"Shush" he mumbled. He slowly opened the door. It creaked slightly and he cringed. He stared for a second before turning to me "Your dumbass best friend tripped over a fucking vase. Whats he doing here?"

"What?" I asked. I pushed past him "Brendon" I groaned. He looked up at me.

"Heh, hi" he said. I rolled my eyes helping him off the ground. "Hows the honeymoon?" he asked.

"Bren, I love you, but I wanted one week with my husband" I said.

"Okay, I came for an important reason I swear" I crossed my arms waiting. "Your creepy boss is stalking Ryan and I" I raised my eyebrows "And I would've just called but when I told Ashlee she got me into a jet and flew us both here"

"Us?" I asked. Ryan stumbled inside. He looked over at us.

"Uh, I had to order the hotel room. Sorry, Hi Patrick" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Your boss was following me around the store"

"I'm sorry Ry" I mumbled.

"It's okay Trick, not your fault" he shrugged and smiled. God bless this tiny man. "Ashlee just kinda told us to come here, we were just gonna call-"

"It's okay" I smiled at them.


"Really, Bren it's fine" I said.

"We won't bother you. We'll be doing our own thing. We didn't mean to ruin your honeymoon" Ryan frowned.

"Ry, you didn't ruin my honeymoon. I promise" He smiled a little "Besides, I feel better with you guys here because this way I know your safe" I yawned.

"Tired?" Brendon asked.

"I just woke up" I mumbled "What time is it?"

"Four" Pete said from behind me.

"I should figure out dinner" I mumbled. I looked back at Pete "Unless you wanna cook"

"Funny joke, I burn cereal" he said crossing his arms. He didn't smile. I knew he was pissed.

"Good point" I said turning back to Brendon.

"We're gonna go out" He shrugged "I'll call you later okay?"

"Sure" I watched them both leave. I sighed a little. I felt better knowing Brendon was close by, but annoyed that I probably wouldn't be as alone with Pete as I wanted to be. "So much for alone time" I whispered.

"It'll be okay" He kissed my shoulder.

"What does my boss want with Brendon?" I asked.

"Your boss wants you" he said coldly. 

"Wow, thank you" I said. 

"Your sarcasm is unappreciated"

"Your pointing out the obvious is annoying" I turned around placing my hands on my hips.  We glared at each other.  "Clearly my boss wants me he wouldn't have attempted to" I gulped and stopped mid sentence.  He stared at me.  "This conversation is over" I said.  He nodded.  I turned back stalking over to the fridge.

"It's empty" he said "I haven't been here in three years"

"Great" I mumbled.  I sighed "I need a drink"

"Yeah, cause that helps the situation"

"Shut up" I snapped.  He stared at me in shock "Just shut up.  You're not helping the situation either okay?"

"You really wanna start this right now?" he said stiffly. 

"You started it with the comment about my drinking"

"You drink too much!" he yelled.

"And you're fuckin perfect!?" He closed his mouth "I rarely drink and you know it!  Talk to me when you're not so pointlessly pissed off"

"You know what Patrick" he said angrily.

"What?" I asked through my gritted teeth.  He went back into the bedroom slamming the door shut.  Wow, what a great honeymoon.
I ended up at Brendons hotel room.  And him, Ryan, and I all ended up drunk on their couch.  I also had to walk back to the house drunk as hell.  I made it somehow.  I used the spare key and somehow got the door open.  I stepped in and the room spun around me.  I fell on the floor and passed out.

His Name Is Wentz [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now