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While on their journey, the Super Six were fully in contact with each other. Everyone had reported to Boboiboy that they were safe, and that was a relief to a leader like Boboiboy.

Ying was sitting two rows behind the pilot's seat. Utterly bored, she started tapping her feet against the cold metal floor to a beat and hummed to her herself. This seemed to annoy the police officers since they yelled at her after a minute or two, and only grudgingly did Ying stopped.

Just then, she realised something. She bent double and looked over to the pilot's seat, where a strip of his blazing orange and red uniform was visible. Then something came to her.

"Super Six, Ying reporting, I think I know who these guys are acting under," she whispered as quietly as she could.

It was a few seconds later a girl's voice replied, "Copy, Yaya. Who is it?"

"Lou Shiu."

Silence again. This time, the person who replied was a boy. "The Landlord of Blazeland?"

But before Ying could even say a word, another boy, different to the previous one with seriousness in his voice, whispered-yelled. "Who else can she be?!"

Over the call, she could feel the boy who asked sweatdropping.

Now that no one was talking again, Ying thought through what she had previously just said. But it couldn't be possible, Lou Shiu, a nice and kind woman who had supported the Super Six more times than she could count, the one responsible for calling them in to be arrest. What had they done wrong anyways to be arrested? Or was this just a prank? Well, it better not be, Ying thought as her inside burned with the type of fury that could be hardly resistible, because she would give Lou Shiu a kick in the ass if it is.

Several hours later, the Super Six were brought to Blazeland, it was very distinguishable with its hot climate that would make you sweat under the Sun just in three minutes.

They came down the jets to find themselves in an open field that leads to a three-story building, which was most probably the police station.

They had once been in this very field before when they were assigned to do check-ups on military groups. This is one of the largest field available in Blazeland.

Still being looked after by the police officers, they got into the station. Honestly, it was quite nice-looking here. The magma-coloured marble floor shone under the light of the Sun that streamed from the dome-shaped glassy ceiling.

It was exceptionally clean and tidy too. There was much space to be moving around, and the lobby and hallways were wide.

As they were analysing the place, their eyes fell onto something and all of them gasped at once. A woman with her hair tied in a neat bun in drapes of orange and red cloth, giving her a fierce look, was talking to a police officer in the outfit of the same colour.

"Lou Shiu! Landlord Lou Shiu!" Boboiboy shouted across the hall.

Lou Shiu looked around at the noise. "Ah, so I see you've brought them. Good job, Hiu Wen."

The police officer with the sunglasses bowed in respect. "My honour, Landlord."

"Lou Shiu! Why are we being arrested?" Fang asked forcingly, trying to squirm out of the grip of the police officer holding him, but the police was too strong.

Her dark brown eyes found Fang's and bored into them. "That will be told when you are questioned, Fang. Please bring them in," she addressed Hiu Wen.

"At your service, Landlord."

The Super Six were hauled over once again down a hallway. Boboiboy and Fang kept looking around everywhere they can without the police officers knowing. Yaya, Ying and Lia kept their heads down, while Gopal looked straight forward.

They finally stopped at the end of the corridor and were pulled over to a room on the left. It was small and dim, unlike the lobby, fear has been grouped so much in the air that they found their way to the Super Six too. There was a table with a dimly lit lightbulb dangling in the midst, and a person half covered in shadow opposite them.

"Sit down," he said in a low voice, indicating the six chairs in front of them.

With that, they sat down as the police officers who were taking care of them went out of the room and closed the door behind them. There was a small click and they all knew the door was locked, leaving them to stare into the man's hidden face in front of them.

"For what reasons...did you think you can give us over to Ata Ta Tiga?" The man's voice seemed to send a shiver down their backs.

"Handing Earth to Ata Ta Tiga?" Ying repeated, startled, but was still shaking head to toe.

"I asked, FOR WHAT REASONS, DID YOU THINK YOU CAN GIVE US OVER TO ATA TA TIGA?" He stood up and slammed the table so suddenly that everyone jumped.

"I-I," Boboiboy spluttered. "I have no idea what y-you're talking about."

His eyes flashed as he turned to Boboiboy.

"Take a look at this photo."

He pushed a single picture to them. Lia gasped. The picture showed the Super Six talking to one of the Generals of Ata Ta Tiga as if they were friends.

"We didn't do this, we swear!" Yaya cried out.

"Someone must have photoshopped this picture..." Fang mumbled, but his voice was drowned by the screamings of his teammates.

"Ata Ta Tiga is our purpose in the first place, how could you!" Gopal yelled.

"I have never, ever seen the Super Six going over to the bad side! If they do, it will be a very good reason," Lia protested.

"Then what can you explain about Boboiboy nearly destroying the world a year ago?"

Boboiboy felt a stab of guilt and anger.

"That was explained!" Boboiboy bellowed at the top of his voice, the remains echoing in the room, making everyone silent. "I had to use my Mega powers to stop another disaster before that, but it went out of control! I didn't know what I was doing, but it did seem to help us out a lot in the Attack of The Tigas!"

Boboiboy's friends nodded in agreement, they seemed to have momentarily outsmarted the man. By the looks of it, he wasn't used to being outsmarted at all.

"If that is so," he continued. "What about the death of Ast-"

"THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" This had gone over the line. Boboiboy stood up, looking at the shocked expressions of his friends' of his sudden outburst.

He sighed, he had enough. "Let's just do this now."

The side of the building they were in exploded in a wave of black smoke.

The man coughed heavily on the ground as he looked around for what has happened. The kids weren't in front of him. He looked sideways at the open sky, those kids.

Boboiboy Heroes: Survival (BOOK 6)Where stories live. Discover now