Planet Earth's Crisis

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From then on, they had travelled with Zedkiel by their side. They ventured on high, rocky mountains, the deepest trenches, and even the spookiest caves. Zedkiel had also got them updated on the latest events happening on Earth. He mentioned that lots of people are suddenly disappearing from the surface of Earth and when returned, wasn't themselves anymore. 

"For example," he told them, while they were gathered around a campfire in the entrance of a dark cave. "If the person before this is kind and peaceful, after that they would become brutal and violent." 

Gopal shivered as goosebumps forced its way onto his skin. "I don't like the sound of that."

Fang, instead, was breathing heavily, like listening to the story had cost him lots of energy. "Is the cause detected yet? Is the culprit or whatever thing it was responsible for this crisis found yet?"

Zedkiel shook his head sadly, disappointed that he would have to tell them- "No. They haven't found a single clue or lead yet that would tell us the cause of this trouble."

Boboiboy realised he was standing up, that he was getting everyone's attention he could get, and embarrassingly sat back down.

"I think whatever this trouble is, it may have a connection with why we're being hunted down," Lia suggested, turning people's attention to her instead.

"Maybe..." Yaya said thoughtfully, brows furrowed.

A drip of water was heard dropping into a puddle outside. Boboiboy looked out. It was starting to drizzle, and it getting heavier.

He sighed. "Let's move a bit more inside, shall we?"

As they were packing up their stuff, Zedkiel's phone rang. Zedkiel put down the branches that was in his hands with a grunt and reached into his pocket for it.

Once he got it out, he answered the call and put it against his ear. "Hello, who is this?"

The caller didn't mention their name, but it was most likely a man's. "A Dark mine is found. I'm sending you the location immediately."

Zedkiel looked down at his phone and saw his GPS automatically set up, giving him the way to somewhere in north from where he was. He put the phone against his ear again.

"Thank you. I will be there as soon as I can."

He stuffed the phone back in his pocket and turned around to tell the gang that he's leaving.

"Oh, that's alright," Boboiboy grinned. "Stay safe, yeah?"

"I will." Zedkiel made a move to leave but found his hand being pulled back. He turned around and saw Lia holding him back.

"When are you going to be back?" Lia pleaded, her voice brittle.

Zedkiel completely turned his body so that now they both faced each other. "I will return before you even know it." And he jumped away most like a ninja into the rain, stepping on deep puddles on the way as Lia watched him leave.

Boboiboy Heroes: Survival (BOOK 6)Where stories live. Discover now