Light Soul Forms

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Boboiboy grabbed the spear from his back and charged at the General of Telekinesis. The General tried holding Boboiboy in place, but his energy was nothing more than a tiny little thread trying to hold Boboiboy back. With the spear held in front of him, the round and sharp tip blossomed to form an 'o' shape. The spear went through the General's body, but his greyish Light Soul was unharmed, it was held within the tip of the spear. The grey Light Soul easily flew free, and sank into the ground. With its master dead, they had to prepare for their next life: and it was either to heaven or hell. 

The next closest to Boboiboy was the General of Strength, who was taking small steps back, hoping nothing but to melt into thin air.

"Your turn, twig man." Boboiboy stabbed his spear again through the General's body. The General gave a dry gasp, then collapsed onto the ground as limp as ever as his Light Soul sank into the ground, too. 


"Hoi, Boboiboy. Save some for us lah," a boastful voice said behind him.

Boboiboy turned around to see his friends, as healthy and as good as new, in almost similar forms like him: Fang's long purple coat was decorated with swirls of black; Ying's yellow coat trailed with swirls of blue; Yaya's clothes had yellow glowing swirls growing on anywhere they can; Lia's violet tank top engraved with green swirls; Gopal's yellow sleeve imprinted with radiating thin green swirls; their power bands missing too, all of them smiling up at him.

"Guys, you're back!" Boboiboy exclaimed joyfully, all his anger gone, running over to them.

"Feels great, being back," Yaya said, grinning from ear to ear.

Boboiboy gave all of them a tight group hug. It didn't matter if it felt weird for them, but their touch to him was like a lost family greeting him back home. His heart was filled with emotion that could never be explained, and he was glad for his friends to come back to his side. 

"Miss us, did you?" Ying chuckled, when Boboiboy had let go of them.

"Yeah. It's been so lonely without you guys-" 

"Hey, can we have touching moments later?" Gopal interjected. "Cause they're running away."

Boboiboy whipped about to see the remaining five Generals running as quickly as they can to the exit. 

"Oh, don't you dare," Boboiboy growled, punching his hands on the floor. 

A wall of brown earth rose and blocked the door. The five Generals stopped in their tracks, rooted to the spot, shaking head to foot, and doing anything they can to avoid the Super Six's angry glares. 

"Get them!" Boboiboy commanded fiercely. 


"Don't!" the General of Toxic cried, covering his eyes with his hands as Lia's supersonic screech went pass him. He barely even flinched when he fell to the floor, his eyes rolling unfocused, his green Light Soul sinking into the ground.

Ying shot a fury kick at the General of Reformation's stomach. He fell with that one kick and was dead, his blue Light Soul went into the ground too; Yaya punched the General of Hypnosis right across the jaw; Gopal transformed the General of Reflexes into paper; Fang slashed down with his shadow bear claws at the General of Transformation before he could even make a sound than "Muh-".

When all was finished, they flashed white and returned to their usual form. All of their power bands were back on their wrists and they fell into a sitting position at once. 

"What-a-fight," Gopal panted, still smiling.

"What happened just now, though?" Yaya got up, swaying a bit when on her feet.

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