Headquarters or Evil Hideout?

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Boboiboy got to admit, he didn't expect much when he met Gopal and Yaya on the way there. But they were easy to defeat compared to Fang and Lia, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard. Boboiboy had split to three this time. He was so tired from the battle with Fang and Lia he couldn't split to five again.

Cyclone was trapped in his cyclone shield while Yaya was punching every inch of it, trying to make it break. Cyclone, again, must struggle to keep up the shield. It drained most his strength and his powers. He waited for the right time, when Yaya was punching the front of the shield, to open it in a blast of wind and went straight for her with a cyclone drill. Yaya flew in the distance but got back control.

"Cyclone discs!"

Cyclone threw with all his might a blue boomerang that flew through the air smoothly and fast. It duplicated every two seconds and when it had reached Yaya, there were twenty of them, sharp and threatening.

But Yaya had thought better.

"Gravitational push!"

Cyclone gasped. The boomerangs were caged inside a pink sphere and were sent backwards at him.

"Oh no." What else? He flew away of course!

Cyclone spun and dodged, swaying on his hoverboard, to make sure he was not hit by any of his discs. Curse karma.

Once he managed to dodge all the discs, he levelled with Yaya again. Both of them glaring at each other, daring anyone to attack first. There was a flash of red light and Yaya fell from the sky, apparently electrocuted, Thunderstorm appearing where she had been before she fell.

Cyclone stared at Thunderstorm in a what-did-you-do that-for look and he stared back. "Well, I had to."

Next moment, Thunderstorm had teleported to fetch Yaya and bring her to ground safely. Quake was fighting with Gopal. As Quake thundered the ground and earth sprouted, Gopal immediately transformed them before they can even move an inch or so.

"Wind blast!"

Gopal was blasted off his feet, oblivious, and landed with a painful splat. Quake took his chance and seized the ground. Two giant rocky hands sprouted beside the stirring Gopal and slammed him back on the ground. Only his head remained untouched by the rocky hands: his legs, body and hands were trapped.

"Let me go!" Gopal squirmed, but with his big-sized body, there was a fat chance of escaping.

Boboiboy formed back to one, panting. The knot of guilt in his stomach was getting tighter with every damage he caused to his friends. He very much wanted to yell "I'm sorry!" or let them go from what he trapped them in. But he couldn't. The risk of them hurting him again is way to big.

"I'll come back for you, I promise," Boboiboy said quietly, not looking at Gopal.

Transforming once more into Thunderstorm, he dashed to headquarters with all the energy he had. He just hoped that there wouldn't be anymore battles he needed to get involved.


He reached headquarters without interruption. That was quite lucky. But he was tired, drained of energy, he couldn't fight in a state like this. He saw a door that was dangling off its hinges, and he went to it. This was the backdoor that led into a spare room. So far, the Super Six haven't used this room yet, so Boboiboy took shelter in there first, remembering to close the door behind him shut. He turned into Solar and released a ball of light to lighten the room, as there were no lights installed into it yet. It illuminated the thick layer of dust that covered the room. A chair was found in the corner of the room and he sank into it, giving himself a some time to relax, to clear his mind and regain his strength.

"Boboiboy, are you in headquarters already?" Zedkiel asked through the communication device stuffed in his ear.

Boboiboy got up as if he was just woken up from a refreshing sleep, and pressed on the device. "Yeah. But I'm taking a little rest-"

"Get up now! We don't have much time! The machine is almost complete!"

"Oh, alright, alright!" Boboiboy got up on his feet and opened the door a bit too hard. It creaked and broke off from its hinges, landing like a useless plank on the floor.


Without wasting anymore time, Boboiboy absorbed back his Solar energy and transformed into Cyclone. Putting his hoverboard to full power, he blasted off the ground to the highest floor of headquarters. The windows were opaque. The Kubulusians must have expected someone to stalk their operation.

Cyclone gathered his energy into his hand, and threw it at the glass. "Cyclone spheres!"

Several of them crashed through and shattered the glass, an outburst of dust from inside blurred his view. There were screams, coughing and sounds of unknown things falling. Cyclone held his breath and, as quietly as possible, went into headquarters unnoticed.

On his left, there was a machine with four corners. It looked very much like a machine of captivity, and there was that sick feeling he got similar to the ones Fang, Lia, Gopal and Yaya gave off. It made him feel weak, but he wasn't going to give in. On his right, were-

"Yaya! Fang, Gopal, Lia, Ying!"

Their bodies were encased in a row of cylindrical containers that was held slightly tilted backwards. They were unconscious, their eyes closed. Boboiboy bet they don't even know they he was standing right in front of them. But what were they doing here? Weren't they already imprisoned in their previous battles? What was that all about then-?

Cackles. The dust had calmed. Cyclone looked in front of him to see seven grown-up Kubulus aliens who looked very familiar marching towards him, have they met before?

"Finally, you have come, Boboiboy!" one of them said, an alien with wild, blond frizzly hair, the General of Reflexes.

"We have been waiting for you to reveal yourself, as we expected," said the one who looked palest, he could've been sick, the General of Reformation.

"Release my friends at once!"

"Oh look, he's getting angry!" cackled the one who was as skinny as a twig, the General of Strength. It was even surprising to see him standing.

"Shut up, twig man," Boboiboy said warningly.

"Huh? Twig man?!" This gave Boboiboy some satisfaction to see him angry.

"Don't." The alien who looked most ordinary, the General of Hypnosis, put a hand in front of twig man. The General of Strength looked taken aback, but didn't argue.

"Let me take care of this." He took a step forward at Cyclone, and another, until he was an arm's reach of him. Cyclone glared at him, to see if he would reach for him or shake him or do anything threatening. Anything he does, he was ready. Ready to do anything for his friends, ready to do anything to save the world.

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