A Close Call

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A lot of things seemed to happen at that very moment. The alien tried leaping on him to get him squashed under his weight, but Boboiboy merely lightning-teleported slightly right, leaving the poor alien to fall to the ground.

Behind him, one of the alien's bodyguards suddenly dragged him by the hood backwards. Boboiboy had no choice but to be hauled back, he tried fighting the force, and ended up stumbling a little bit away.

"You-" The alien had gotten up, his eyes wide on him. "-you're Boboiboy!"

It was Boboiboy's turn to be shocked. How did he know? He reached up to feel for his hood, and instead of touching his hood, his hand brushed smooth hair. Oh, no.

"Get him!" The alien commanded, and the bodyguards immediately reacted, those sharp spears swerving for him.

They were going for his feet, so Boboiboy jumped, the spears clanging below him, landed on his both his hands when they retracted, and did several backflips to keep the distance between them.

When he stopped, he spun around to see the two alien bodyguards charging for him.

The opportunity open for him, thanks to the gap he had made between them, Boboiboy transformed into Ice, an Arctic canon already in his hands. Even in this new warm clothes, he could already feel his body temperature dropping dramaticly, cold against his clothes.

"Ice blast!" he roared, the canon in his hands shaking as it released a blast of ice that landed on the feet of alien bodyguards, but as extra effect, the burst of ice froze until their hips, sticking them against the ground. The bodyguards tried squirming, but it was no use.

Ice ran towards them as fast as he can while transforming into the greenish Thorn. His canon disappeared to be replaced by prickly, green, long vines. The bodyguards stopped trying to escape as Thorn got nearer and tried lunging their spears where ever they can at him, but Thorn dodged swiftly. The only thing they cut was a few of his vines. It didn't matter much, anyways.

Thorn got to the other side of them and got more vines back in his hands. Jumping, he whipped the vines in mid-air and hit away the spears the bodyguards were clutching. Once they noticed that, fear dawned upon their face as they saw Solar floating in the air, fixing them with some kind of glare, they screeched.


Solar flung his hand down. Even though it was night, the sky above the two alien bodyguards lit up. They teared eyes from Solar and stared above instead. Solar didn't bother hiding a smile. A beam of blinding light hit the aliens from above in incredible speed and power. Solar still floated in the air, his glasses protecting his eyes from the rays of his own power, watching as the aliens get burnt up, covered in soot from head to toe. They crumpled to the ground since the ice had long since evaporated.

Behind the burnt bodyguards, Solar glimpsed their master clenching his fists in frustration. Solar was about to finish him with another attack, but he felt an unusual, strong breeze playing with his hair. He whipped around to see Captain Kaizo's needle-like spaceship descending into view, the air rippling to give space for the newly incoming spaceship.

It drifted to cloud level and its needle-like tip opened up, sending a beam of blinding red light straight for the ground. Solar needn't to look away but he did anyways. When he looked back, what last time used to be empty ground, was now a man with purple hair.

At first Boboiboy thought it was Captain Kaizo who was standing, but then little features of the man before him looked different. He didn't have his sword hilt by his side, or that golden gleaming bracelet with a blue crystal placed upon it. It wasn't Kaizo, it was someone else, but he looked familiar. Had they met before? Solar didn't let his guard down and remained in his current form, waiting for the man to do something. Even know in the dark, he could feel like the man was staring directly at him. He beckoned. Was he supposed to follow? He didn't knew whether to or not, but he found himself going to him.

When he saw almost face to face with him, he could see the sharp red eyes the man has. "Long time no see," he said before the bright light sucked them up.

Boboiboy Heroes: Survival (BOOK 6)Where stories live. Discover now