One Raging Battle

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A/N: Another Pokemon is going to be introduced here. So the video above will introduce you to it. May I present to you, our cute and fluffy Fennekin!


"Hey, that's Zedkiel's Venosaur!" Lia yelled, thunderstruck on its appearance.

"So what? He borrowed me this lil baby, and I'm putting it to good use." He smirked at the same time Zedkiel's Venosaur got into a fighting stance.

"Venosaur, it's us! Don't you remember?" Earth shouted, but the Venosaur didn't even seem to hear his voice.

The man laughed. "You think it will act by your command? Pokemons only does what its trainer asks it to do. Now, use Bullet Seed!"

Venosaur opened its mouth and sent a swarm of green seeds the size and the speed of the bullet towards them.

Nobody was ready, so they closed their eyes and could only wait for the impact. Even with their eyes closed, they could tell a cloud of smoke has broke out with no logical reason. They weren't even touched, and yet a wave of smoke?

Earth risked a peek at what's going on, and saw Lightning standing in front of them, his yellow, crackling lightning swords held tightly in his grip.

"What?!" the man yelled.

Lightning smiled, and appeared in a blink of an eye in front of Venosaur, his sword held high.

"Quick, use Vine Whip!"

Just as his sword came down, two smooth, long vines came from either side of Venosaur and held Lightning's sword in a distance. It had also wrapped part of its vines on his hands, and the man saw this, reacted in a most greedy way to seize this chance.

"Fling him around!"

Venosaur held on tighter to ground as it threw its vine, Lightning along with it, into the air and spun them around. Lightning was like stuck in a tornado now, being unable to surge his energy through his hands as he was getting dizzier and dizzier.

Lia gritted her teeth. There was no hiding from them now.

"I need your assistance, Fennekin!"

She threw her Pokeball that was hidden under her shirt and out came a peach-red fox-like Pokemon with four legs and many fur growing out from its ears. She didn't look at the expression of her team mates, now all she wanted to get Lightning back safely.

"Fennekin!" it said with pride, looking sharply at Venosaur with a type of anger who was still spinning Lightning around.

"Focus and locate the two vines, and then use Flamethrower on them!"

Fennekin observed the vines with its eyes narrowed. Not long later, it opened its eyes and stood on its two back feet while taking in a deep breath.


Out from its mouth burst fierce, orange fire, fire unlike anything the Boboiboys or Fang has ever seen. It reached Venosaur. But Venosaur didn't even move. The last thing they saw before an outburst of smoke covered their view was Venosaur's eye pupil shrinking.

Everyone coughed in the haze of smoke. Once it had cleared, Lightning was sprawled against the ground, but Venosaur was still standing, but definitely badly injured, like every single muscle moved would cost it a lot of pain.

The man was rooted to the spot. Lia bet he didn't even knew that Fire-type moves have great advantage over Grass-types like Venosaur. He stared at the Venosaur, looking lost. If this doesn't works, I'm done for it.

His opened hand shot forwards. "Solar Beam, let's go," he said coldly. Lost more in his thoughts than this battle, he watched as the scarred Venosaur absorbed Solar energy and gathered it all in one place, above its blossoming pink flower, into a glowing yellow sphere full of energy. Lia quickly reacted.

"Boboiboy! Turn to Blaze would ya? And throw whatever you got at that Solar Beam!" Lia screeched impatiently.


Lightning, Wind (out of nowhere) and Earth fused back together. Now Boboiboy turned into Mega Blaze and smiled, chuckling. He didn't know why, but the stronger his opponents were, the most excited his Blaze side gets.

He kicked his left leg and then his right at the air, a faded shape of him doing those appeared. Still smiling eagerly, he threw his hands wide on either side of him and threw his right hand up, while the left hand striked downwards. Blaze remained his view up to the sky, and shouted, "Blazing phoenix!"

The ground shook, and a flaming, bird, a bird with its body made out of angry, lashing fire, emerged from behind.

"I didn't meant that." Lia stated, but still had her eyes fixed upon the blazing bird.

Venosaur got ready, its feet digging into the ground. Lia diverted her attention back to her opponent, just at the same time it released the beam of Solar energy.

"Fennekin, use Flame Thrower once more!"

The little fox Pokemon did the same thing it did before and breathed a mouthful of fire from its little mouth.

The blazing phoenix glided and sped with the same speed as the Flamethrower to the Solar Beam.

Another outbreak of smoke.

They were being forced backwards as the force was so strong like it was like a hurricane itself. It finally stopped. Venosaur and Fennekin was standing, facing each other, but their legs shaky, tired, weak, the blazing phoenix gone too.

In the end, both Venosaur and Fennekin collapsed. It was a tie. The man closed its eyes as if the lost of this battle had brought great embrassment to him. The man returned Venosaur back into its Pokeball, while Lia sadly returned her's.

"You've battled very well, Fennekin," Lia whispered, rubbing the Pokeball in an affectionate why. "Now take a good rest."

"I gotta say, you are quite good at Pokemon battles, Aliyah." He flashed a smirk. "But that's just it."

Lia was about to storm towards him but suddenly stopped. Her foot inches from the ground, her body unmoving, as if frozen in time.

Boboiboy and Fang stared at her with their wide eyes. But they knew Ying wouldn't be here, because she was gone. So what was happening?

Then only that moment did they realised a purple frog-like Pokemon with orange cheeks (Croagunk) with one of its glowing purple hand on Lia's back. Lia's eyes started drooping, her knees buckled, and she fell, unconscious.

"Lia!" Boboiboy went to help her but the moment he put a foot forwards the frog Pokemon stepped in his way, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Well, that's our cue. Let's go, Croagunk."

As Lia's body was being picked up by the Pokemon, Fant flung a shadow at it and it dropped Lia's body. It shot Fang a glare and hit him, and Fang stumbled, falling onto Boboiboy.

Wearing what looks like a threatening sneer, the Pokemon put its arms around Lia's hip and put her against its shoulder. It jumped off and disappeared after the man who had vanished out of sight too.

Boboiboy felt somewhat regretful about Lia being kidnapped. He felt weak, like the bad side was winning, and they were stronger. It was his fault a tiny slip, and because of that, Lia has been taken away from their team.

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