A Wild Encounter

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Despite the cold wind howling at them, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain with the help of their powers.

Shadow eagle fused-Fang flew through the skies and looked over the mountain. There was a cluster of trees that grew so closely that it was impossible to tell what was going on below.

He took a sharp turn back to the mountain peak, where Boboiboy and his friends were, all shivering and huddled around Boboiboy Blaze, who's giving out a fair amount of heat.

"Can you see her?" Boboiboy shouted over the howling wind.

Fang landed in front of them and returned back to normal. "There's a forest up ahead. Can't see a thing other than trees."

Boboiboy nodded.

"Now to get down of here." Fang looked down at the steep side of the mountain, his face calculative. Then he extended his arm and a wide sheet of dark shadow stretched down from their feet to somewhere below where they can't see.

There was a crash.

"Well, I supposed it reached the bottom," Fang shrugged, climbing over to sit on the shadow he had made.

Boboiboy knew what he meant, and he and the others sat down side by side each other too.

Ying took in a deep, rattling breath as she stared, stunned, down the mountain.

"W-we're gonna slide down there?" she squeaked.

"Yep," said Fang, a slight tone of excitement in his voice. "And we're gonna need your help too, Ying, if you want this to past faster."

"Look out for obstacles too, though, I don't know what might interfere the slide," he added seriously.

Ying gulped. "OK then.."

In the count of three, they all slid away from the hilltop. The place they once were slipping away as quickly as they fell. Wind whistling in their ears and snow flying in and out of their view, it was hard to tell what was in front of them unless if they were really close.

Out of the snowy mist, a thick, giant plank of wood was protruding from the ground and through the shadow slide, too.

"Ahh!" Gopal screamed, closing his eyes with his hands.

"Hmph!" As quick as a blink of an eye, the ground below the wood was being glued to it with the soil under the snow engulfing the bottom, securing it in place.

"Now, Ying! Now!" Yaya cried, clinging onto her words for dear life.

"Speed up time!"

They rushed straight towards the wooden plank triple the speed they did before.

"Brace yourselves!" Boboiboy heard Fang shout from somewhere around his side.

And they were off. They were being flung into the air with the power of their speed, the ground leaving them, they were metres tall off the ground and they were still flying higher and higher.

"Heavier gravity!"

Out of sudden, they were stopped in mid-air, and were being sucked to the ground again, their faces slapped against the rocky, dry ground.

Before anyone could protest, the effects were off and they all got up slowly, registering what had just recently happened.

"That...was...wicked," Gopal said, impressed, his eyes wide.

"Would you look at that," said Fang, who was looking to something high behind them and they all did the same. "We've arrived just on schedule."

The Super Six gaped at the forest. Trees were as high as those buildings in the city, and streaks of light filtered through the canopy of the many leaves were like gold, giving the scenario an extra 'golden' effect.

Suddenly, the they heard a twig snap, and all of them stood back to back, in position E1, eyes scanning everywhere they can. They walked quietly in a circle, their feet making less noise than usual, expecting leaves to be crunching below their feet.

Then a bush rustled.

Boboiboy was closest to it and sent a red thundersword flying straight into the bush, where a thud was heard.

Scrambling, they rushed and crowded around the bush as Gopal opened up the part of the bush to reveal-

"Lia!" Everyone screamed in shock.

"H-hi guys..." she said confoundedly, her hair standing up on their ends and black with soot.

Boboiboy looked regretful. "I'm so sorry, Lia, I didn't knew it was you!"

"I-it's...it's OK..." And with that, she fell down onto the floor, smiling in a weird way.

Boboiboy winced, he then noticed something that he didn't saw before that.

"What's that?" He pointed to the brown, saggy bag behind Lia.

In that instance, Lia sat up and got into a lecture. "These were the fruits and berries I found from inside the forest. I've also collected some wooden planks for us to transform into other food when necessary. Andddd I've found a waterfall inside there." She pointed back towards the forest with her thumb, grinning.

Behind all of them, Fang was having his head down a hand on his glasses, chuckling deeply.

"Uh...Fang, are you alright?" Ying asked, the colour draining out of her face.

He threw his head up and ran inside the forest in the speed of light, leaving only a message behind, "Race you there!"

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