A Whisper of a Ghost

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Raven had willingly offered Boboiboy to stay in his house as long as he wanted. He even offered to wash his clothes for him! Boboiboy was given a room on the first floor of his own complete with a window, a bed, study table, chair, cupboard and a tall book rack.

"Thanks so much, Mr. Fang!" Boboiboy said gratefully when he was first shown the room.

"Ahh...don't mention it. We've always prepared a room for occasions like this. Feel free, you better get in bed though, it's late now." He nodded.

"Good night, Mr Fang!"

"Don't call me that," he smiled. "Call me Raven."


It was two in the afternoon in Norpic. Boboiboy was sitting in his room, having just finished his lunch with Fang's parents. Captain Kaizo had departed early in the morning for his own purposes and left without saying a word to him. That didn't matter much, though. What matters now is for him to solve this mysterious crisis for himself. He was the only one left who could save them all, let alone to be the last one the Kubulusians needed to complete their ultimate plan.

A headache started to swell thirty minutes after staring at his blank notebook helplessly. He decided that he couldn't do anything today with the headache he's having and slammed his notebook shut. Massaging his head, he sat on his bed and removed his hat, setting it aside on his bedside table and laid down on his bed, slowly falling into a doze.


Boboiboy was walking inside a dark corridor. He was trembling all over, constantly giving a glance back to see if anything had followed him. As he continued on, the corridor became darker, and darker. Fear surrounded him everywhere, there was no way out.

A voice, no other than whisper, spoke out from nowhere. "Boboiboy. Boboiboy, can you hear me?" Boboiboy stood rooted to the spot, and slowly turned around to see-

He sat bolt upright in his bed breathing heavily. He gave the room a quick scan. Noting that he was the only one in here, he melted back down onto his bed. It was just a dream...

"Can anyone here me? Boboiboy?"

This time he really did yell, he looked around for the source of the voice, but nothing in the room could've talked, or rather emitted voice, but himself.

"Who-who's there?" he said shakily.

His head shot towards the door where running footsteps were heard from the stairs. His heart hammering against his chest, he waited for the perfect time to land a blow...

The door opened an inch and Boboiboy flung his whole body against it. There was a painful 'oof', followed by a loud thud.

Suddenly aware of what he had done, Boboiboy cursed. He slowly opened the door to see who had been hurt and found Fang's father groaning on the floor, his hands over his nose.

"Mr- I mean, I'm so sorry, Raven!"

His body numb with shock, for he had been shocked twice in a row (not surprisingly), he bent over Raven to check on him.

"It's fine," he mumbled, removing his red blood hand from his face. "Just a lil nosebleed." He smiled up at him, even with the blood running from his nose.

"I don't mean to hurt you, I really am!"

"You can help me get some tissue and ice if you please, I need to get this cleaned up."

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