The Unexpected Two Against One

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A/N: Sorry for the slow updates...I'm trying to write as much as I can. Especially after the 1800 words chap's been published, I had to write more to back it up. Also I'm writing 'Forbidden Love' at the same time. So I thank you for your patience ^-^


After finally coming up with a plan with Zedkiel to break into the headquarters of the Kubulus aliens, that is now informed by Zedkiel to be the Super Six Headquarters, Boboiboy immediately back went for Earth. Boboiboy just hope Zedkiel isn't trying to backstab him again.

So on the fourth day of Boboiboy's stay, he decided that he would be leaving for the better. After he had a quick bath and changed into his usual clothes, which had just been recently dried, he went out into the front yard of the house.

"Want us to give you a lift? We don't mind giving you one," Denna offered when he was about to go, seeing that he had no transportation.


It was true that he had no transporation, but he could've made a metal ship with the metal manipulation power band. However, the pleading look of Denna made it impossible to deny.

"OK, but a small jet will do. You don't need to follow me there, I'll go there myself."

Like Denna promised, she gave him a jet sky-blue four meters long jet, for free! He would've gave anything to return the favour for this but Denna insisted he take it and use it wisely for the sake of her son, Fang.

"Take care, Boboiboy, and good luck!" Raven waved as his wife grinned gently at the rising ship, watching it blast off towards space.

"He'll do it, he's our only hope," Denna muttered into her husband's chest once the ship was out of sight.

Raven sighed. "Yes, yes he will."


"The light soul is a very sensitive thing," Zedkiel explained the last hour before Boboiboy left the grounds of Norpic. "You must keep an eye out for it. The Kubulusians have tortured people with Dark energy to force it out, and encased them together with other captured ones with a machine. I don't know where the machine is, but it's definitely somewhere within the headquarters. Everyone's light soul has different colours depending on their personalities. There's a wide range of them, so I can't tell which one you'll be seeing first. They'll be about the size of a baseball and emits light. But be warned. Don't let them attack you with Dark energy, it's the only weakness of a light soul. Purple light souls are always never a good sign, and so are blacks. Purple tells that it is on it's way to corruption, black means total corruption."

"OK, got that down," Boboiboy said, putting down his pen and rereading what he had written in his notebook.

"Also, Fang and Lia's bodies are with me, so I don't think they'll be in your way."




"Good luck."


There was a feeling somewhere deep in his stomach that made him feel happy about going back to Earth, although he knew he should be feeling nervous, but he just couldn't stop thinking about it. He had been gone for how long? A week? Two weeks? Three weeks? He didn't know, but it should have been at least a week now since he was at Norpic, and he must have been gone for at least a month in total! He's going to save his friends and that's what counts; he, Boboiboy, was the one and only member left in the downfall of the Super Six, there's no other mission he would be more excited for.

Finally Earth came into view, white wisps drifting above the oceanic blue sea and eight green lands, seven bigger ones surrounding a smaller one and another land, no more than a green speck, the Floating Island. There wasn't where he was going to go, though. Ever since the Super Six had been discovered there he was sure the place would be swarming with mind controlled people to make sure Boboiboy won't return there.

He headed to the smaller island surrounded between the large seven continents, Lonuziq, instead. As he reached breaking speed to land, everything around him passing as a blur, he saw a flicker of a shadow and it was too late when he did realised that.

He tried braking the ship when it got close enough, but it didn't work. Oh hell. Panic filling his mind, he covered his eyes with his arms and let hs instict take over.

Just as the tip of the ship touched ground, Thunderstorm teleported out of there as the ship crashed in a burst of flames. He opened his eyes to find himself safe. Bless him.

He collapsed on the ground to take in what just happened. Slowly, relieve took over him. But it didn't last long. Two pairs of feet appeared in front of him. Boboiboy returned to his original form as he looked up into their faces. Blood drained out from his already pale face when he saw who they were: Lia and Fang.

"L-Lia-F-Fang?" Boboiboy stammered, perplexed as he pointed to each them.

Both of them just stood there like they didn't even hear a thing, their eyes devoid of emotion, their body emitting some kind of sick aura.

Boboiboy pressed on his communication device. "I thought Fang and Lia were with you!"

"Yeah they are."

"Then why are they here?" Boboiboy yelled in a hushed silence. "They're staring at me now!"

"Oh. There must be something, then...keep them busy first, you'll need to break into the building. That's the first thing you need to do."

Boboiboy scowled. The headquarters was a kilometre away. Not bad. He could reach there in a minute if he uses Thunderstorm's ability.

When his eyes darted back to Fang and Lia, all he could see was a block of black. He was knocked by this brick of shadow, squashed between the ground and the shadow itself. He could feel his bones about to pop beneath the force. He didn't have much time before it really does. Suddenly the shadow smashed the ground completely, leaving no space for Boboiboy to hide. Fang slowly raised the shadow to see the results, but Boboiboy wasn't even there!

Looking around, both Fang and Lia scanned the place for where Boboiboy was. Behind Lia, Boboiboy emerged as Quake from the ground, his rocky fists raised. But Lia seemed to have noticed Quake because before he could even land a blow she had used her sound powers with the push of both her hands to hurl him through the air.

Quake landed neatly, his rocky fists against the ground. Lia took her opportunity while Quake was busy getting up. She emitted a loud screech from her mouth, and Quake scream in agony and in the fear that his ears might explode even if he resisted. The sound stopped but there was another hit square on his chest. Quake fell over backwards, transforming back to normal as he looked for what had attacked him. A shadow tiger, its eyes fiery red, was prowling around him threateningly in circles, growling softly.

"Shadow scratches!" a distant voice cried.

The shadow tiger's eyes narrowed and leapt up using its strong legs, its claws lashing down at Boboiboy from above. Cyclone appeared next second to match the shadow tiger's attack with a cyclone drill. Both of them stared angrily into each other's eyes for a moment. Cyclone glaring through them as though as those were Fang's eyes, then an outburst of energy sent both Cyclone and the tiger flying away from each other.

There was something like a screech of chalk against a blackboard that vibrated through the air. But before Cyclone could against close his ear shut, the sound stopped. The noise, it had seemed, was only a distraction. Fang had already made his way about ten meters from Cyclone, shadow lashing all around him.

"Fang, no!"

But it was too late.

"Shadow dragon!"

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