The Terror Begins

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It wasn't what they were expecting to happen in just a few days. Gopal and Yaya had mysteriously disappeared over the past few days; Gopal fell off a cliff, and when they reached the bottom of it, he was nowhere to be seen; Yaya had just disappeared overnight, not a single trace of her left.

This had led Boboiboy to a thought that they were being closely watched. Those who were responsible for the disappearances of the people must be somewhere near them. Some more, every now and then, Zedkiel would always be called off by the Directors, and it was always when he was gone did the two team members went missing.

Now it was only Boboiboy, Fang and Lia. A week after Yaya's disappearance, Zedkiel reported that he had to leave forever.

"But why? I thought he were getting well along!" Lia retorted, tears sparkling in her eyes.

It was once again raining, a heavy thunderstorm. They were hidden in another cave, smaller than the ones they had been in. Boboiboy and Fang were staring at them both quarreling at the fire, while they were a metre away.

"Look, I'm sorry, Lia. I don't want to leave, but I have to," Zedkiel said quietly.

"But why?! You didn't even tell me why you were leaving! Is it something to do with the Directors? Is that why?"

Zedkiel turned his away. "That is none of your business."

Lia gasped, and took in a shuddering breath as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her knees buckled, and she went into a fit of sobbing. Zedkiel didn't even risk a glance at her before walking out from the cave.

Finally, Boboiboy and Fang decided to get into the situation. They tried comforting Lia, and luckily, that worked. She had calmed down the next day as if yesterday didn't happen at all.

"So. Where do we go next?" she asked, washing her face with the water of a river nearby the cave.

Boboiboy and Fang were drying their faces with fluffy towels.

"Um..." Boboiboy thought for a moment. "What's about the desert in Solaris?"

"Fine with me," Fang shrugged.

"Hey, Lia," Boboiboy said in a most business-like tone. "Do you know who the Directors Zedkiel mentioned were?"

Lia sighed. She wasn't really in the mood to talk about her step-cousin. But Boboiboy's tone made her understand that this was something important. "No. Honestly, I don't even know how he even got to know them."


As they came trailing out of the cave with their bags packed, suddenly, they were surrounded by about ten armoured soldiers who had jumped down from tree branches around them.

Lia screeched. Fang kept her mouth shut until she stopped, and Boboiboy flung his arms wide to protect Fang and Lia.

This made the armoured soldiers raise their guns, all aimed at them, their visors shining under the Sun. Boboiboy looked around for a loophole, but before could even identify one, another person, with disoriented facial features and bulked up muscles walked up from behind a giant tree root, clapping his hands.

"Super Six...finally, found you all here," he glanced at the remaining team members with an eyebrow raised. "Wow. When since you all became the Super Three?"

He laughed mockingly, yet the laughter acted most like a trigger for Boboiboy to strike, he stayed still.

"Not killing us off yet? I'm surprised. You haven't even moved a single muscle since we came. Why? Too afraid that you'll lose because three of your team mates is missing? Well then...we'll just have to move first."

Boboiboy's feet shifted.

"Get them!" The man ordered.

"Fighting formation L3, go!" Boboiboy shouted at the same time.

Fang, Lia and Boboiboy dodged in separated directions, the bullets slamming and digging into the ground where they were a second ago.

"Boboiboy Triple Split!"

Out came Boboiboy Lightning, Wind and Earth, gathered again beside Fang and Lia.

"Don't just stand there, fire!"

And again, they separated. Lightning, Wind and Fang taking the tree branches, Earth and Lia the leaf-patched ground.

Lightning stopped, hiding beneath a cluster of leaves that swayed with the light breeze, and transformed into Mega Thunderstorm, a hand clutching an arrow and another holding a bow. He closed an eye and aimed at the soldiers now running to where Earth and Lia were, and released the thunderarrow.

It flew through the air sharply with incredible speed. It flickered red a few times, and split into two. Then two became four, and four became eight.

The thunderarrows rained upon the soldiers. Two has been hit but the others got protected or was just missed. One of the soldiers decided to split from the group to take care of Thunderstorm. He looked up at where Thunderstorm was, and Thunderstorm kept still.

Suddenly, a surge of energy came from his back, stunning him, catching him unexpectedly. He fell from the tree in a free-fall, landing with a crunching thud.

Earth turned into Mega Quake and slammed his rocky fists on the ground. Several sharp pieces of land came up, ground shaking, throwing up soldiers and making some of them stumble. Wind threw soldiers up, and threw them back to the ground. Fang ran ahead of Mega Quake to the fallen soldiers, taking advantage of the distraction he moved his hand upwards sideways, and a sharp blade of shadow chopped off body parts from soldiers. For those who were still standing were hit by a super sonic screech emitted by Lia. It would've burst anyone's eardrums if they were hit by it. The remaining soldiers collapse on the ground, their ears bleeding dark blood.

The man who spoke didn't even join in the fight, he was standing aside, knowing he was losing. Wind ran to check on Mega Thunderstorm who had returned to Lightning as Mega Quake, Lia and Fang confronted the man. 

"We won. Now you better get lost before we beat you up too," Mega Quake panted, a hand on his knee.

The man stared at Mega Quake without tilting his head in his direction, giving him the look like he was looking at a piece of dirt that had somehow found its way to under his shoe.

"I knew this would happen," he muttered more to himself than anyone around. "And don't think I'm not prepared for this."

He modestly took out a Pokeball from under his coat.

"That's...a Pokeball!" Fang exclaimed, shocked as the others.

He threw the Pokeball into the air, and a Venosaur that looked most familiar spawned out with a loud, strong roar.

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