I'm in Love with a Criminal

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Robert's Pow
I finally get to Leo's, but I'm not in my right mind. Before I open the door I ack normal, like I'm not going to hurt someone. When the door opens I see all my what you call friends looking at me. They all are probably wondering what took me so long, and why is my clothes all torn and a little bloody. I didn't see the blood until I heard Skylar
ask " Rob what happened to you? Are you ok?" I look down and thought in my mind.

Why would I be fine! Inside I'm broken, And I'll never be fixed. The truth is I feel nothing. I need to show them how I felt. But before I could go on in my thoughts. Someone grab my arm. I jumped back and looked up. It was Page, she looked worried. I wonder why?

Page's Pow

"Robert what happened?!? Please tell us, so we can help you." I see him look down then he hugged me! I could hear him crying a little. I look a Leo and he goes and finds so new clothes for Rob. When he let go of me I could see something's wrong. I looked into his eyes, they looked life less. His eyes should be light blue but, his are grayish. Before I could ask him what's wrong Leo came in with new clothes. I walked back to Sean,and saw that he didn't look happy. He had was staring at Robert, I wounded what's up with him?

Sean's Pow

When Rob hugged Page I could tell he still likes her. Before Page and I started to date, He liked her in a crazy way. It's not normal for him. I told him I love her and I'm going to ask her out. He didn't like that at all, when I was making my way to her he punched me in the face. I remember falling and my nose was bleeding. After I fell he continued to punch me to death. Before it all went black I saw Page run over to me and said "Sean HEY Stay With Me!!!!" Then it went black.
After that I was in the hospital and she was there with me. She told me "I was going to be ok." I can't tell what happened with her and Robert when I was out cold. But I know that she wanted us all to be friends again. I forgave him for her, but ever since that I don't trust him like I use to.  All Page wants in the world is for everyone to be happy. She such a kind hearted person, and she deserves to have a good life. Don't you think so? I want her to be happy, and never feel pain. Is it just me or dose Robert's eyes seem lifeless?
Something up and I'm going to find out!

Leo's Pow
After Rob put the new clothes on we all were going to go up the park. We all started to walk down. When we were all walking Page,Skylar,Bri and Nashia were a little up a head from Sean and I. Robert walk behind us and said nothing. " Something up with him that I don't trust!" Sean told me in a whisper so he didn't hear. " Ya he's a king odd." About 5 minutes later we saw the field of the park. "Hey Page lets have a rase to the park." Robert said from behind. "Ok sure lets do this!" She said happily. They both stranded in a line, before I said go I heard Page say "I'm going to win!" When they ran Page was in front, Robert followed behind her. What happened next you won't believe. Page was almost there when Robert said "No you don't!" He took out a gun and shot her. When it happened Sean, Nashia, Bri and I were in shock. When she fell to the ground I herd Sean scream. "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He ran to her and the girls and I followed behind. She was out cold, her head was bleeding a lot.

Sklyar's Pow
When Sean ran to her he picked her head up and sat it on his lap and started to cry. I went and sat next to him when he told me this. " Here hold her!" He put her in my arms and walked over to Robert. I swear I never saw him like this.

Well I hoped you guys like this part. The story continues until next week. So if you guys liked this chapter then,Punch the Vote button in the face Like A BOSS!!!! And I'll see you in the next Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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