The Beginning of the Storm

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Sean's Pow
     We all looked at where the blood was dripping from and it was from Skylar. She picked up her one gun and aimed at Robert. But Robert was faster and reacted quickly and Skylar held her stomach as he knees shaked. Page and I ran to her and she rested her head on my leg as the others looked at Robert with anger in our eyes.
"I waited so long to do that. Wow that felt good who's next?" Robert said and aimed his gun at us. I grabbed my gun and Page held Skylar. I aimed my gun at Robert but before I could pull the trigger Bri shot me in the arm. I dropped the gun and it slid down the hill.
"Darn it," I said as I held my arm. Nashia was next to Skylar and Page. Leo ran over to the gun that was going down the hill.
"Leo DONT!!!!!" I yelled Bri shot him in the leg and he tumbled down the hill with the gun.
"You idiot, you haven't learned a thing have you."!" Robert began. "Do you think you can stop me? I've planned for this for so long that nothing you guys do will win. Your hopeless, hopeless and alone!"
"That's where you're wrong Robert!" Page said "sure you may have planned everything but the only one that's alone is you. We're all together cause we want to be not cause we were forced to. Face it Robert you won't be able to run from any of this. It will all be over soon."
The trees around us began to move as the wind blew them, a storm was coming cause of the dark clouds in the distance. Skylar began to cough and blood came out as she held her stomach.
"We have to path that up." Nashia said and took off her bandanna and gave it to Page who wrapped it around Skylar's waist. I tore a part of my shirt off and tied my arm so I wouldn't lose any more blood.
"I've had enough waiting." Bri said and began to shoot us. I ran to a tree to give me cover as Nashia and Page carried Skylar behind a log to give her cover from the shots flying. I grabbed a gun that was on the ground and shot back at them. Robert and Bri ran behind there car and returned fire. The storm grew closer at we shot at each other. The wind picked up and it became hard to aim and shot. I had one more shot in my gun and I looked back at them. I need to make this one count I put the gun behind my back so they couldn't see it. I waited until their gun shots soon stopped. Robert was yelling but I couldn't make out what he was saying though. I looked at where Skylar and the girls were they were gone. I looked around for them but I couldn't find them. I soon herd a scream and it was Nashia's.

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