Friends reunited but not together

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Leo's Pow
     Everyone stayed where they were, Robert held a gun to my Best friends heard and was ready to shoot if my friends and I don't put our guns down. Robert really did have everything thing planned and he won't mess around with stuff like this. "Guys do as he says." I said and dropped my weapon.
"WHAT? Are you crazy or something?" Page asked as she held her weapon still.
"Page do as Leo says." Skylar says and dropped her two guns and looked at me. She winked at me and I knew she had a plan up here sleaze.
Robert nodded at Bri and she had her gun aimed at Sean as Robert put his gun in his pocket.
"Now look at how much easier it is when we listen to me." He says and put his hands on his side.
"You'll not getting away with this Robert I'll make sure of that." Page said as tears gathered in her eyes. Robert laughs as he walks over to Sean.
"Now Sean take this gun and destroy her!" Robert says and points to Page.
"What me!?!" She yells as she takes some steps back.
"Page you took everything from me so it's only fair if I have your boyfriend destroy you for my amusement." I and Nashia start to walk in front of Page when Robert shakes his head and aims at me and Nashia.
"Oh I wouldn't move if I were you." He says as he looks at us. Sean continues to walk towards up with a gun in his hand. "Skylar if I were you I would start with my plan soon." I whispered to her.
"Shut up Leo I'm waiting."
"For what!!"
"A better shot I got one shot in this, just make sure you hold Sean to the ground."
"What are you going to do?"
"Shoot obviously, now be quiet!" She says as she looks at Sean. I don't want her to shoot my best friend, we all love him after all. I look at Sean and he looks strange. He looks at me and smiles, it just makes me more freaked out that he did that. He gets closer to Page and holds the gun to her forehead.
"Oh Sean if you can hear me, I just want you to know that I will always love you no matter what you do." Page says in tears, Sean's hand is shaking a little as he hears this. She hugs him and she continues to cry while saying.
"Sean please I Love you and you love me right? Don't you remember all the times we had together?!?" Sean's stays put as Page hugs him. He does nothing as he holds the gun up with his hand still shaking.
"Sean were all here with you and we love you." Skylar says as Nashia shakes her head.
"Sean your my best man and I know your in there. Snap out of it we need you." I say, I then see a tear run down his face as he realizes what he's doing.
"Oh my God what was I about to do!?!" He says as he hugs Page and he looks at me. "These the Sean we all love and know." I say as he smiles as tears run down his face.

"NOOOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!! KILL HER RUGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! Robert yells as he stomps his foot on the ground. Sean takes the gun in his hand and aims at Robert, but before he could pull the trigger we see blood drip on the ground as a gun shot was fired at one of us.

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