The Plan Starts

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Robert's Pow
Bri and I were in a plan going to California. Lucky the gang still thinks Bri is a friend. That's the plan to get the information I need to find them. Lucky no one really recognized me from the news otherwise I would be going back to jail. I kept my black hoodie up over my face just in case. I waited to long for this to fail so I made sure everything I did was planned out. The plane landed and we took out thing and headed for a taxi. "Bri where are they?" I asked her as she looked at her phone.
"There at this hotel." She said as she showed me the screen. I smiled as I know where that hotel was. "Come on we're close to that." I said as I pulled her out of the car. We grabbed our suitcases and walked to the hotel. It was a cold and wet night as we walked to the building. We entered the lobby and got our room key. As we walked down the hall I saw some familiar faces. I immediately grabbed Bri and pulled her to the wall and stood in front of her with my arms on each side of her shoulders.
"What the-"
"Bri shhhh." I told her as our old friends walked past us. I eyed Sean as they walked past us. Sean looked at me and made a confused face. I only smiled at  what he did. When they were out of sight I sighed and gave Bri some space.
"Robert next time give me a little heads up." She said as she got her things off the ground. We finally made it to our room. When we enter I put my suitcase on the bad and opened it. There lied a pistol with a bag bullets. There was two other guns inside but I didn't bother talking them out.
"Now what's the plan?" Bri asked as she grabbed her pistol and put it in her pocket. "We kidnap one of our little friends and make them talk. But which one?" Bri thought while I did the same. We need to get the right one. Sean would be a good one but he won't talk no matter what. Page won't say a word about anything. Skylar is to smart to answer anything I give her. Nashia and Leo probably will try to escape from our grasps. There very sneaky at what they do. "Hmmm witch one do we need the most?"
"Maybe we should take Sean and make him work for us."
"You know that's not a bad idea. But how are we going to do that." I asked
"Well we need to drain him somehow then we can trust him. With him on our side this will be much easier for us." I smiled and walked to Bri. I kissed her and said. "Your my little trouble maker go get him." She smiled and kissed me on my lips and said.
"Be back baby don't go anywhere." Then she left the room. "This is going better as I planned." I said and laughed.

Well Robert's back and is ready for action. Make sure you click that vote button if you liked this part. Have a good day/night.

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