One-shot/Part 1: ❤️it's nice to see you again

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~Sans POV~

It's been a few years since the barrier broke. Al and Undyne lives together, Tori and Asgore are back together, MT and Nabstablook are famous, and me and Paps are just like living our old lives. I'm just sittin' on the couch as usual, watchin' tv. My phone vibrated. Who could be callin'? I checked the caller ID, it was Tori.

"Sup, Tori"

"Sans? May I ask you a favor?"

"Sure Tori. Lay it on me"

"Great! Frisk, Asriel and Chara will be home from their school. Do you mind if they stay with you for just a few days? Me and Asgore were planning to get them an apartment since they insisted. But unfortunately, the owner said someone already bought it. So we need to find another one"

"Yeah. Just as long the brat won't try to kill us again..."

"What was that Sans? I didn't quite hear you"

"Nothin'. When will they arrive?"

"On Tuesday. Bye Sans"

"Bye Tori"

She hung up. Frisk will be staying with us? It's been a long time, kiddo. "DID MY NON-EXISTENT EARS DECEIVE ME?!" Papyrus screamed close to me. I almost jumped off the couch as soon as he did. "" I answered him. He checked the calendar and gasped. "TWO MORE DAYS AND WE SHALL MEET FRISK AGAIN!!" Paps said. He ran upstairs for somewhat no reason at all. By the way, not to brag but, our house added two more bed rooms. So I guess it won't be a problem now.

====Time skip====

Wow I can't believe it's already Tuesday. Tori arrived at exactly 10:00 AM. "Yo, sup Tori" I said. "QUEEN TORIEL! IT IS VERY NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Paps added. Tori chuckled. "It's very nice to see all of you again is it not?" She responded. She wore a purple sweater with a magenta skirt down to her toes...? "So, uh...where's the kiddos?" I asked, looking for them. "They'll be here. Asriel said he'll drive them here instead" Asgore said out of nowhere. Tori showed Papy a picture of the three kiddos. "This was their last picture together, when they were 12. Asriel sent it to me." She said. I saw the picture.

I hope the brat changed

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I hope the brat changed. Then, a red car parked behind Asgore's. Asriel went out from the car. "Chara, I don't understand why you hate the skelebros so much. Did they do something bad to you?" He asked Chara, who just went out the car. "It's nothing important Asriel. But do we really have to stay with them? I mean, why not Mom and Dad's house?" Chara complained. "So it's okay for you to sleep with Mom and Dad again?" Asriel said and gave Chara a smirk. She frowned and turned away. Frisk went out next. I can't help but I think my face is starting to heat up.

 I can't help but  I think my face is starting to heat up

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They all gasped when Tori hugged all of them tight. " too...Mom..." Asriel said, tryin' to breathe. Man, sometimes Tori's scary. "Can't breathe..." He said. Tori let them go. "I missed all of you! How was school?" Tori said. "School was great! Me and Frisk are the valedictorians in our class. And, well, for Chara..." Asriel crossed his arms and stared at Chara who is eating chocolates. "What?" Chara said. Frisk gave Chara a sad smile. "Oh...that....uh...I got...into trouble..." Chara said. Tori raised a brow. "Chara..." She said. "Heh..." Chara tried to escape but Asgore blocked her. What did the brat do this time? "Frisk, will you do the honors?" Chara said. Seriously? Frisk nodded. "We had cooking class the other day and...when...she saw a knife, she tried to...stab the teacher...." Frisk said. She has the most cutest voice I have ever heard. "What? She was getting on my nerves..." Chara reasoned. Both Tori and Asgore gave her a death stare. "Asgore, we don't have time for this. I am truly sorry but we have to leave early. Be good my children, most specially you, Chara" Tori said and they went inside their car and left. "COME ON IN HUMANS AND ASRIEL! I WILL SHOW YOU TO YOUR ROOMS" Paps said and took their luggage. Asriel and Chara followed Paps while Frisk just stood there, smiling. "Uh...hey, kiddo" I said. She looked down at me and hugged me. I feel my face is starting to heat up as I hugged her back. She let go of me and smiled. "Sans, you don't have to call me 'kiddo' or 'kid' anymore. I'm already 19" she said. "So, how's everyone?" She asked me. I sat down at the couch, she sat beside me. "MT and Nabstablook are famous," I said. She smiled brightly. "Oh yeah! I have Blooky's album" she said. God she's so cute...Wait what?! She yawned. She even yawns cute. "Hey, kid-Frisk, why not sleep for a while" I said. "Sorry. Azzy made me wake up early" she said. Azzy...? Probably her bro. When she's about to stand, I froze her with my blue magic. "Sans what are you doing?" She asked. I held her hand and teleported her to her room. "Whelp, ya' don't need to go up the stairs anymore" I said. "Why the hell is here?" Chara asked. "Language" Frisk said and frowned. "Uh...S-Sans...?" She stuttered. I saw my hand still clasping hers. I immediately let go of her and covered my face with my hood. "Gross...." I heard Chara muttered. I teleported back to the living room. I fell for ya' Frisk, and you'll be mine, only mine.

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