One-shot/Part 2: Outertale: ⭐️My shooting star⭐️

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Yo CandyGamer485, your gonna like this...I think...don't judge meh


~Frisk's P.O.V~

The sun goes down, the stars goes up. I saw constellations of such kinds through my telescope. I sighed deeply. I wish I could be someone's star. I went downstairs to see mom baking pie. "Oh, hello, my child. Is there something wrong?" She asked. "No mom. What pie are you baking?" I asked. But I already knew what it was. "Your favorite! Call your brother" she said and smiled. I smiled back. I went upstairs to get Asriel. I knocked on the door to his room. "Asriel? Mom's calling you" I said. But no response. I knocked on the door again, just a little louder this time. "Asriel" I said. But still no response. I sighed and opened the door to his room. I didn't want to do this Asriel. I saw him sleeping peacefully. Well, that explains it. I closed the door and went downstairs. I told mom Asriel was sleeping, she nodded. I asked if I can go outside for a walk. It's good she agreed. I got my star sweater and wore it. I went outside and started walking to the park.  I gazed down at the ground, a bit sleepy. When I arrived at the park, I lied down on the grass and just stared at the sky. I closed my eyes...

I opened my eyes, I got confused. Is it me or its just the moon grew big? I sat up, I looked around my surroundings. I nearly had a heart attack cause...cause...I'm in space.?! Weird, I'm still in the park though... I stood up as I gazed around. Then, someone bumped into me. "Sorry there, kiddo" a voice said. I turned and saw a short skeleton wearing a blue jacket with yellow stripes and sleeves.

 I turned and saw a short skeleton wearing a blue jacket with yellow stripes and sleeves

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"I'm fine. Don't worry about it" I said. "Uh, I saw you lookin' at the stars earlier. Do you like the stars?" He asked. "Like the stars? Nope. I love the stars" I said with a slight giggle. He chuckled. "What do planets read?" He asked. "What?" I said. "Comet books" he said with a grin. I mean a different kind of grin, he always smiles, that's for sure. I laughed. I stopped laughing once I saw I was turning transparent. The skeleton was shocked to see me slowly fading away. "What...what's happenin' to ya'?" He asked. "I don't know..." I said. "Wait! What's your name?" He asked. "Frisk. What's yours?" I said. "Sans. The names Sans" he said. When he said that, I completely disappeared.

I woke up. I sat up. Was that...a dream? I'm sure it is but, why does it feel like it was real? I shrugged the thought away. I stood up and went back home. I'm sure mom will be really worried. When I arrived, I saw Asriel eating pie. "Frisk! C'mon! I'll finish all the pie!" Asriel said, mouth full of pie. I raced to the dining table and sat down beside him. Mom put a plate of cinnamon-butterscotch pie in front of me and a fork beside it. I started eating the pie. Once I finished eating my pie, I brushed my teeth and went to my room. I hope I can dream of that skeleton again. I laid down on my bed and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, I can't anymore. I Tried to close my eyes again but I just can't sleep. Great, just great.

I woke up in my room. Darn it, so close. I stood up and went downstairs. Weird, I swear mom and Asriel was just here..."kid?" A familiar voice said. I walked to the door and opened it. It was Sans. "Sans? How did you-" "I guessed" he said. Wait...if Sans is here, it means I'm asleep. Thank you boredom. "So, uh, can come in?" Sans asked. I nodded. He went inside and sat on the couch. I sat beside him. I thought about asking him if he's real, but I think that'll be offensive. " you have any siblings?" I asked. "Yup. I have a younger brother, Papyrus" Sans said. I nodded. "And...I don't know if I'm real or not..." he added as his eyes turned pitch black. How did he..."I can read minds" Sans
said. He can read minds?! Without even telling me?! He chuckled. Guess he read that. "Don't worry, kid, I only do it when I'm bored" Sans said. "Good" I responded. We went silent. Awkward...
"Frisk..." he said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I know this is a stupid question but...did you wished for something from the past?" He asked.

I thought for a moment..."well, I did, until now" I said. "I wished to be someone's star one day" I said. He stared at me. "Your already someone's star" he said. I turned to him. He was slightly blushing blue. "It's not that I know who-" he stopped when I hugged him. I noticed Sans blushed harder as he hugged me back. "Oh, yeah. I have somethin' for ya'" he said as he put his hand in his pocket. I gasped when I saw a star on his hand. Sans gave it to me. I held the star close to my chest. Soon, I was fading again...Sans noticed this and smiled sadly at me. "Times up, kiddo. When will I meet ya' again?" He asked. I smiled. "Soon enough" I responded as I disappeared.

I woke up, a bright light from my hand. I saw the star Sans gave me. This means he is real. I smiled and held the star close to my chest as I stared at my window.

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