it all started with a knock knock joke

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Wow long title there


It's been 6 years since Frisk fell down the underground. Ever since, she stayed with Toriel. Not that she gave up on going home. She tried to leave once...but when Frisk saw the hurt expression on Toriel's face, she knew she couldn't leave. Even if Toriel gave her a chance. Frisk is currently 17 right now, by next month, she'll be 18.

"Child? Are you awake?" Toriel said as she knocked on the door. Frisk just woke up.

"Yes, mom. Just woke up." Frisk said as she stood and open the door.

"I see. I have business to attend to, my child. There will be a possibility that I'll be back after 2 weeks. Are you okay on your own, my child?" Toriel asked, concern and regret showing. Frisk smiled and nodded.

"When are you leaving?" Frisk asked.

"Later this afternoon. I have food that will last you two weeks. Be careful okay."

"I should be saying that to you." Frisk smiled sadly. Toriel nodded and went to the living room. Frisk changed into her usual blue sweater, shorts, black stockings and brown boots. She went to the living room and sat on the carpet, legs crossed. She didn't mind. Toriel was sitting on the green arm chair with a book in her hands. She adjusted her glasses as she gave Frisk a plate of cinnamon-butterscotch pie.

"Are you ready for your morning lesson, Frisk?" Toriel asked with a smile.

"Always." Frisk smiled back.

Later, Frisk watched Toriel leave the ruins down the basement. She tried to ignore the nagging voice that asked the same question everyday.

What's in the other side of that door?

Toriel put her hood up and turned to the door. Frisk wondered why she has to make her identity a secret, but she decided to brush it off. Toriel turned to her, her expression hard as stone.

"Do not leave the ruins, child." Toriel said with a demanding voice. Frisk shivered and nodded. "Good bye, Frisk!" She said and smiled. Frisk ran to her and hugged her. Toriel hugged back as she tried not to cry. Frisk let her go as she opened the door. Frisk felt cold wind hit her face as she saw a blanket of snow. But it only took a second cause Toriel slammed the door closed as soon as she stepped on the snow. Once again, that nagging voice came back and kept asking the same question. Frisk shook the thought off and started walking back upstairs. Her pace became slow as she thought about the snow. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to the door.

That door is haunting my thoughts. Frisk thought. The last time she went down here was 6 years ago. No. Stop, just go upstairs and forget about that door. Frisk scolded and whipped around as she walked with DETERMINATION.

"Knock knock." A voice said, it made Frisk stop. The voice was deep and husky. Plus it was charming enough to make Frisk swoon. She walked to the door and listened closely. When I meant closely, I meant she knelt down and put her ear on the door.

"...Who's there...?" Frisk answered.

"Humerus." He said. Frisk assumed he was male since his voice was too deep to be a female's.

"Humerus who?"

"Don't you think this pun was humerus?" He said and snorted at his own pun. Frisk laughed. "Hey, old lady, what happened to your voice?"

Frisk stopped laughing as she wiped a tear. "You must be talking about my mom. She's not here for the mean time."

"Is that so? The names Sans. And yours?"

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