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It was already morning, Frisk woke up early. She saw Chara beside her, sleeping peacefully. Chara I hope your like this everyday. Frisk thought as she brushed her hair with her fingers. She finally stood up and decided to go for a walk. She took a bath and wore her pants, shoes and a sweater. She got her jacket and zipped it up. Frisk went downstairs and saw Asriel listening to music with his earphones. When Asriel noticed her, he removed the other earpiece. "Howdy. Good morning, Frisky" he said with a smile. "Good morning, Azzy" she said and smiled back. "So, what you up to?" Asriel asked. "I'm just going out for a walk. Want to join me?" Frisk asked, walking towards the door. "Sure. Why not?" He answered and walked towards her. They both went outside and walked in silence. "So...what song are you listening to?"
Asriel put the other earpiece in Frisk's ear. She listened carefully and soon, she realized it was Asriel's song. He composed it when they were younger. "Asriel..." It was so beautiful, Frisk doesn't know how to explain the song she's listening right now. "You like it?" He asked. Frisk hugged Asriel. "Of course I do. I'm sure Chara will love this" she said. Asriel hugged Frisk back.

Sans woke up a little drowsy. He went downstairs to see Chara trying to eat Papyrus' spaghetti and Papyrus eating his gleefully. "BROTHER, I AM GLAD YOU ARE NOW AWAKE. JOIN ME AND HUMAN CHARA" Papyrus said. "Yeah about that, I'd rather starve to death than see this twit in front of me. So I'll pass" Chara said and went upstairs. The brat is so stubborn. Sans thought. "Where's Frisk and Asriel?" Sans asked. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, DOES NOT KNOW." Papyrus responded. When everyone was done eating, Papyrus washed the dishes and went to Undyne's house. "Bro, why do you still go to her house?" Sans asked before he could leave. "I HANG OUT WITH HER SOMETIMES. I MUST KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS 'ANIME'..." He said and left. Sans waited for Frisk and Asriel, mostly, Frisk. But Sans knew if something bad happened to them, even to Chara, Toriel might kill him or in other words, he's gonna have a bad time. Eventually, Sans fell asleep on the couch. Chara went downstairs to see Sans sleeping again. She made an annoying groan. Then, she saw two figures walking towards the door. "Frisk! Asriel! Next time tell me you two are going out" Chara said. Sans woke up because of Chara. He saw Asriel and Frisk.

Sans can't understand what he's feeling right now

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Sans can't understand what he's feeling right now. "Chara, you have got to listen to this!" Frisk said and let go of Asriel. She put the earpiece from her ear to Chara's. "Hmm...nice" Chara said and gave Asriel a thumbs up. Asriel noticed Sans left eye glowing cyan blue and his other one pitch black. "Uh...Sans?" He said. Sans turned back to normal. "I'm fine, kid" Sans responded. He went upstairs and locked himself inside his room. What the hell just happened back there? Anyways, I wasn't able to hurt anyone. That's good. But why do I hate...him so much? Sans thought. He tried to forget the thought but he can't. It seems like Sans hates Asriel more than Chara now. He can't even sleep anymore. He's afraid he might lose Frisk. They're just siblings...nothing to worry about. He thought repeatedly until he can finally sleep. But, he had a nightmare.

Sans saw Frisk in a white dress with a flower crown on top of her head. "Frisk?" He said. Frisk drifted close to him. She smiled sadly and cried. Sans cupped his hand to her cheek. "Frisk, what's wrong?" He asked. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry" Frisk said, repeatedly. Suddenly, everything became black. Sans gasped when he saw Frisk turning into dust little by little. Sans cried as she disappeared.

"FRISK!!" Sans screamed. Frisk immediately went inside Sans' room. "Sans? What is it? Is there something wrong-" she stopped when she saw Sans crying. She sat beside him, Frisk hugged Sans tight. "Sans..." She mumbled. "I...I c-can't lose you...d-don't go...please...I...I..." Sans said and hugged Frisk protectively. "Sans, I won't go anywhere. I'll always be right here with you, I promise" she said. But Frisk knows she can't keep her promise. Sooner or later they might leave. Sans continued to cry, but his more calm now. "I...I love you Frisk..." Sans whispered softly. Frisk didn't heard what he said, but she didn't care. She kissed Sans cheek as she blushed dark red. Sans blushed hard, but he was happy.

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