🎄❄️wings of love❄️🎄 (part 2)

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Frisk opened her eyes. She sat up and saw a small yellow dinosaur smiling at her, holding a tray. "G-good m-morning!" She said. "Oh, uh, good morning...how did I end up here?" Frisk asked. "S-Sans took you h-here l-l-last night. Y-you must b-be tired t-that time. I'm Alphys" Alphys the dinosaur said. "Mortals call that 'sleeping'" the kitten said as she popped up beside Frisk. "Mortals can't see me, only you. Names Kit" Kit said. Frisk slightly nodded. Sans...that must be his name. "I'm Frisk, it's nice to meet you" Frisk said. "It's nice to sleep..." Alphys put the tray beside Frisk. "H-here, I c-cooked breakfast" Alphys said. Frisk curiously took the spoon and fork and started eating. When she did, her eyes were sparkling. "This tastes sooooooo good!" Frisk said. Alphys blushed. "I-it's nothing, U-Undyne taught me h-how..." Alphys said and took a chair. She sat on it. "W-what's y-your relationship with S-Sans?" Alphys asked, her curiosity taking over. "...I'm not sure...we just met last night..." Frisk said and drank water. "You eat so fast, eat slowly won't you? You might choke" Kit said, annoyed. "So y-your just f-friends t-then...too b-bad" Alphys said. "W-where d-do you live?" Frisk finished eating. "Uh...very far from here but, I got lost" Frisk answered nervously. "To be honest, I forgot where exactly I live" Kit face palmed. "O-oh...d-don't you h-have any relatives?" Alphys asked more questions. "It's best that I don't tell you" Frisk smiled sheepishly. Alphys nodded. "W-want to g-go shopping? Since y-you'll be staying here f-for a w-while, your g-gonna need c-clothes" Alphys offered. Frisk nodded happily. "G-great! Let m-me change" Alphys said and stood. She went to her room. Later, they were ready and went to the mall.

They bought quite many clothes and went back home. (Too lazy, sorry). "I'll s-show y-you to y-your room" Alphys said and went upstairs. Frisk followed. Alphys opened the door revealing a cute, pink room designed with white laces. They put down the clothes they bought on the floor. "I-I'll leave y-you here n-now. I'm r-right down stairs I-if you need anything" Alphys said as she close the door. "You should change. I'll help you" Kit said and pushed Frisk to the bathroom. Kit took some clothes and went back inside the bathroom. Frisk went outside wearing a black skirt, a forest green off-shoulders, (imagine it's long sleeves but bare shoulders or something. I'm horrible with clothes) black boots and a rhinestone butterfly clip. "Not bad..." Kit said. "F-Frisk! Sans i-is here!" Alphys called out. "Go blow them away, Hun" Kit winked while Frisk just rolled her eyes.

"S-Sans!" Alphys said as she opened the door. "Sup, Al. I'm here to pick up Angel-I mean, Frisk" Sans said. Alphys smiled widely. "F-Frisk! Sans i-is here!" Alphys called out. Soon, they were stunned when they saw Frisk, most specially Sans. "F-Frisk...y-you look...Amazing!" Alphys said. "Thanks, Alphys" Frisk said as she walked towards them. "Sans, right?" Frisk said. Sans got back to his senses and nodded. "Y-yeah...so, Frisk is your name. What a beautiful name you have" Sans said and winked at her. Frisk giggled. "Sheesh, what a flirt" Kit rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I was wonderin' if we could hang out" Sans said. Frisk nodded. "Sure, why not?" Alphys almost fainted as Sans lend out his hand and Frisk took it. (I'm actually imagining this. *E T E R N A L F A N G I R L S C R E A M*). Without warning, Sans teleported them underground. "Y-you s-should really warm me a-about that teleportation thing" Frisk said, almost losing her balance. "Heh, sorry." Sans shrugged. When Frisk's vision fully recovered, she gasped softly. "What?" Kit asked. "My life started here...ya' might think I'm crazy but...a beautiful angel started my life" Sans said. "Wait, he didn't mean..." Kit said when she realized why Frisk gasped. "I was just a kid...I wished to know what's up there...an angel granted my wish...now that I think 'bout it, she looks like ya'". Sans said and stared at Frisk's face. Frisk blushed and quickly turned away. "But, she can't be me" Frisk said. "Frisk, if this guy knows I'm so telling your parents" Kit said as she eyed Sans suspiciously. Frisk gulped. "Anyways, that's not the reason why I took ya' here. I just wanna go around this place with someone right now" Sans said and started walking while Frisk followed. "But, why with me?" Frisk asked. Sans shrugged. Frisk nodded. Frisk was curious why  it was snowing underground till..."...Cause I love ya', angel...and, I know it stupid cause I just met ya'...it just feels like I've already met ya' years ago..." Sans mumbled under his breath. Frisk heard everything and intensely blushed. W-what? Frisk thought. "Hmm?" Sans hummed. "I...didn't say anything " Frisk said, trying not to be flustered. "I just read your mind. Don't worry, I only do it when it's quiet or when I'm bored" Sans said. "Now, what do ya' mean 'what'?" Frisk shook her head. "It's nothing important" Sans nodded. "I'm gettin' tired. Wanna see somethin' cool?" He asked. Frisk smiled. "Heck yeah". Sans held Frisk's hand. "I...think it's better if ya'...uh, how should I say this...hug me...?" Sans said shyly as he blushed blue and let Frisk's hand go. "Oh, uh, okay then" Frisk said and slowly wrapped her arms around Sans' neck. Sans also slowly wrapped his arms around Frisk's waist. They both blushed hard. "I know I'm supposed to report this but, this is just so cute!" Kit said and floated around the two. Frisk shot Kit a deathly glare making Kit stop. "Ya' ready?" Sans asked, staring right at Frisk's purple eyes. "Y-yeah" Frisk said. In a blink of an eye, they were teleported to a cave. When they did, they quickly let go of each other. Sans went inside the cave while Frisk followed. "Woah..." Frisk said as she stared at the ceiling. The ceiling was full of rhinestones. She looked down and saw blue flowers and blue waterfalls of such kinds. Frisk saw Sans sit down near the river and sat beside him. They stayed silent as they stared down at the glowing river. "My mom used to tell me stories about a cave full of conversations," Frisk said and smiled, still looking at her own reflection on the river. "She will always say blue glowing flowers would talk...she said they're called 'Echo flowers'. I didn't actually expect it would be here..." Frisk said as she listened to the conversations from the flower. "Have you wished anything yet?" Frisk asked and finally look at Sans. "Well, I do have one...I've always wanted this wish to happen." Sans said and stared at Frisk's face. "Remember the Angel I was talkin' 'bout earlier? I know mortals like me aren't allowed to fall in love with immortals like the Angels but..." Sans stopped. "He's about to make a wish. Get ready!" Kit said. Frisk nodded with determination. "I wish she was human" Both Frisk's and Kit's eyes were wide. Suddenly, Frisk's chest glowed. "Crap" Kit said. "Is that wish forbidden? Let me check" she said as a book appeared in her paws. Sans saw Frisk and gasped. Frisk turned back into an angel as light surrounded her. Whispers was heard as Frisk's halo and wings disappeared once again. She was slowly put down on her feet. "F-Frisk?!" Sans said. Frisk fainted. Sans quickly caught her bridal style. "Oh dear" a voice said. Two figures appeared in front of Sans. Kit gasped and repeatedly apologize to the two figures. "I'm sorry Queen Toriel and King Asgore!"  Kit said. "It appears our daughter over did it" Asgore said. "But, it can't be helped. Dear child, do you truly love our daughter?" Sans stared at Frisk's face and smiled. "Yes, uh, your highness" Sans said.

With that, Sans and Frisk...lets just say they lived happily ever after.

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