"My cute little tutor"

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Somethings just happen coincidentally. Or it's just fate, or destiny. I have a love story that's unexpected and...well, and shocking. Who would've thought I'd start loving a skeleton who saved me from a bunch of scumbags.

Frisk walked towards school, the snow crunching beneath her boots. She held her scarf close to her face as the snow slowly fell down from the sky. It only takes Frisk ten minutes to walk to school, though Toriel offered her to drive her to school. She would always smile and shook her head. Frisk doesn't talk much, that's why some people thinks she's a mute, she's not shy she's just...well let's say a 'girl with few words'. But when she does talk, she would only say a few words with a soft voice. She's doing well in school. All of her grades are fine except science. She's gonna ask Alphys for help, maybe tutor her. She finally arrived, there's no people that much yet. Guess she's early. She walked towards her locker and put her things in. After, she tried to find Alphys. Eventually, she bumped into a group of boys. Literally.

"Well well well, what do we have here~?" The leader cooed. "Well if it isn't Frisk. What are you doing bumping into people's business?" He said as he twirled her hair.

Frisk shook her head as she glared at him. "L-leave me alone..." She said softly.

"What did you say, sweetheart?"

Frisk glared as the guy leaned closer to her face. Before he could even do something to her, she slapped him hard on the face. The leader glared as he tried to pull her hair.

"Hey!" A deep and husky voice called. They all turned to the owner of the voice. It belonged to a quite small skeleton wearing a blue jacket and the usual boys' uniform; black pants, black shoes, a while long sleeved polo with a small shield with the seven souls surrounding it in a circle and the soul of a monster in the middle was stitched in the right side of the polo. This served as the school logo. Though he's not wearing the purple blazer.

"Go find someone your own size, shorty!" One of the boys said as they all laughed. The leader laughed and pulled Frisk closer to him, making Frisk glare and squeak. This made the skeleton's left eye flame cyan blue.

"Bad idea, pal" The skeleton said, darkness in his voice. He used magic to make Frisk surround in blue aura as he pulled her away from them. He set her behind him. "Watch this" he said, winking at Frisk. This made her slightly giggle and nod. This time, the group floated as they were surrounded with blue aura. The others tried to control the floating by running in air, some by swimming in air (imagine anime stuff), some by using their own air by blowing. This made the skeleton and Frisk laugh. Frisk can't really laugh, all she could make out was squeaks and a few "ha". "Now time for their punishment" the skeleton said as his expression darkened, making the group Yelp in fear. Frisk saw his face and grabbed his arm. He turned to her with a confused expression. Frisk smiled and shook her head, making him sigh as he put his other hand back in his pocket. The group screamed as they fell on the floor. When they recovered, they all ran away.

Frisk smiled warmly at him. "Thank you..." She said softly. The skeleton shrugged.

"No problem. The names Sans" Sans said with a lazy grin.

"Frisk" Frisk added. The bell rang. Frisk waved him goodbye and went down the hall to her first class. Well I didn't find Alphys, she thought. But I did find an awfully cute skeleton. She giggled to herself as she walked to class.

Break time came. Sans was napping under the tree behind the school as usual, this made Papyrus furious. "SANS!!" He yelled at him.

"What's up, bro? Besides the sky of course" Sans said, his eyes still closed.


"Aww but, Paps. It's much more comfortable here than my stuffy room. Besides, I'm just kidding around with the joke earlier" Sans finally opened his eyes as his grin widened. Papyrus didn't get the pun but Sans pointed the goat like monster who was talking to Frisk. Then, Papyrus widened his eyes.

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