One-shot/part 6:❤️"I've always liked you!"💙

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Story inspired by 'Honeyworks'. It's kinda like exactly the story but, meh. For those who doesn't know the anime, I suggest you watch it. But I'm not saying you'll like it though. This just gonna be a short chapter. Maybe it will end with the song.
Both frisk and sans
Author Lex or third person (you'll see)
~Sans'/Frisk's P.O.V.~

(I suggest you play le song! Can't find the eng version sorry)
*yawns* Good morning!
I woke up late, again!? I quickly got out of bed.
I was able to wake up early as possible and got dressed.
I got dressed as fast as I could.
I ate breakfast quickly.
The two ate breakfast and fixed their things before going to the train station. Sans ran out of the house while Frisk just walked happily. It's Friday again and they're thinking of the same thing as usual...-.-'
I ran and ran, afraid gettin' detention again. Until...
I walked happily towards the station. Then I just remembered, it's Friday again.
I just realized I could teleport! Ugh! Why am I forgetful?!
As I walked inside #2 car, I saw a blue light.
I teleported inside #2 car, almost seen by my crush. I mentally face palmed.
I realized the blue light was from my crush. Guess he overslept again.
I sat on my favorite seat as I lowered my head, embarrassed with what just happened earlier. I awkwardly stared at her while I hung my head low.
I just stood, staring at him. I got curious why did he lowered his head, gazing at the ground but, I wasn't actually sure what's he staring at.
It's Friday today and I'm gonna spend a long boring weekend again...
Without seeing him. It happens every time it's Friday. Duh! I should really start...
Talking to her rather than being a total coward...
Around him. Why is my life like this? That's it! I've decided...
Today, I should...
Confess to him/her!
When the train stopped at a station, the two walked out, not noticing each other's presence. They silently walked together until...
Crap! I'm actually walking with her?! I got so caught up with my thoughts I didn't notice her beside me!
I just noticed I was actually walking with him awkwardly! What do I do, what do I do?!
I have to break the silence between us. I was about to say something but, nothing came out of my mouth.
I heavily breathed and tried not to be obvious. My friend called me and I immediately ran to her. I felt guilty though, leaving him behind like that.
Her friend called her as she ran away from me. Phew. I thought I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown or somethin' but, I was saved.
~time skip~
It's already recess. Just a few hours till the school day ends...again.
It's recess and I decided what should I say to Frisk. I took. A deep breath and...
Practiced my confession to Sans.
Sans practiced in the boys bathroom while Frisk practiced in the classroom. They didn't notice some people were staring at them with confusion.
C-crap! I was heard! I ran away...
As far as I can till...
I bumped into Frisk/Sans!
Both of them awkwardly apologized to each other, avoiding eye contact. When they said their sorry, they walked passed each other in silence. Both of their hearts raced as they thought about the scene earlier. Both were glad they finally said a word to each other.
I-I dis it's! I really did!
Now time for step 2...
Confess to her/him later!
They kept practicing on what to say but more quietly now. If they would think something negative, they would always encourage themselves to keep on going with their mission.
What if...
He doesn't like me back and...
She'd hate me forever?...
Don't think like that, Frisk! Just act natural...
Just like earlier but, I don't think...
That was natural...
Whatever's! I'm doing it wether I like it or not!
~Time skip~
I got my hair fixed...
I warmed up my voice...
And start finding him in the train station.
I arrived at the station. There are less people there, that's good. But, what's bad is I can't find her.
I just arrived and started finding him. At least it's not that hard.
The two didn't realize they passed each other, twice already. Jeez.... They bumped into each other (again). They turned to see their crush. They both blushed hard.
"I've got something really important to tell you"
"Me too. But-"
"It's too personal and secretive. And there-"
"Are lots of people here"
They stared at each other. Soon, they laughed. They sat down and waited for the crowd to disappear.
Here he is...
Don't get nervous now, Sans!
Frisk, don't let yourself down!
When everyone was gone, both of them quickly stood up.
"I,uh,er...ya' go first"
"Mmm. No it's okay, you go ahead"
"No seriously, yours might be more important"
"I don't think so, so you go ahead, pls"
"I've always liked you!"
Both of them said. They were surprised and shocked with both of their words.
I slightly nodded.
"I...was serious with what I also said earlier"
Sans smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his skull. Frisk rubbed her arm.
"Can I...walk ya' home?"
"Okay. That sounds nice"
YES!! I did it! Best day ever!
They finally did it. I'm proud of them aren't you? Anyways, hoped you enjoyed! Even though it's just short.

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