Chapter 9 - Happiness and fights

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3 Days later
What's up my dumb fucker!" Andrea yelled when I stepped into her apartment. "Andrea!" I yelled and ran to the kitchen to give her a hug, dropping my things on the way. "We need to talk. Like now." Andrea said, stirring the hot chocolate. "I know man, I have shit to tell you." "I know dude, I've heard it." "From who?" I told her. "The guys and me still talk you know." "Of course they would." I said, throwing away the hot chocolate packets. "Alright, let's go to my room." Andrea said, handing me my cup of hot chocolate. We both headed to her room.
"So what happened exactly." Andrea asked, sitting down on her bed. "So I told you about the double date thing." She just nodded. "Well, it turned into like a really big group date type thing. It was just the four of us, then Sam was getting these 'mystery' calls and texts and then it turned into a triple date with Trevor and the other person was a surprise. When we got to the Collins house early, because kizzy wanted me to get ready with her. Kristen wanted to come, so Brent came with her. So it turned into a quadruple date I guess. The surprise date was Nate." I paused, watching her reaction. But she just nodded to keep going. "I got mad at both Sam and Trevor. The three of us talked upstairs and right before I left, I told them that Nate was BamBam. I rode with Nate to the dinner, I ignored both the boys at the dinner. Sam wouldn't stop trying to talk to me so I walked out and Nate followed. We ended up going to Flower Garden while the rest finished dinner. Sam called and I picked up. They were going to the movies and wanted to know where I was at but I didn't tell him. When we got to the park, I told Nate everything. I called Sam to see where they were at and he answered. They got kicked out of the movies and we're on the way to the park. So we got in his car and stayed there untill they came. We all hung out at the park then went to the O2L house. Nate wanted to talk to me alone. He said he used to have feelings for me when I had feelings for him, that's why he would act like a jerk sometimes because he knew he couldn't like me because I'm like his sister. He then asked me out and I turned him down. He hurt me to much and I don't want to relive the pain, and he understands that. We agreed to have it like old times, before our feelings got the best of us." "Damn Lou. You did good. Now about Sam." "We've been dating about a week and a half." "Holy shit dude! I've been shipping you guys for awhile! I'm so happy for you." "Thanks Andrea." "No problem Lou." "So how are you doing with the whole Kiandrea thing?" "Better. I was sad at first but we talked it over and it's better for the both of us." "I'm glad. I love you." "I love you." "How's your cousin's?" "Chris has most of his memory back and Crawf should wake up soon." "I'm glad Lou." "Me too."
We talked about random things for about two hours before we decided to make a YouTube video. We decided to do prank calls. I decided to call the one and only, Ethan Dolan.
L- Hello?
I asked, using my 'man' voice.
E- Hello?
L- What's your address again? I can't find your house.
E- What?
L- I can't find your house to deliver your food.
E- What food?
L- You ordered 10 pizzas, 3 boxes of chicken wings, 6 litters of soda and 3 lava cakes from dominos.
E- What the hell! Hold on.
We heard him yell Grayson's name, then heard mumbling. We tried not to laugh.
E- I didn't order no pizza and my brother didn't either so you must have the wrong number or something.
L- Wait. I think I found your house.
I motioned to Andrea to look up their address in her phone.
E- We didn't order no pizza!
L- Yeah, I got the house.
I read off the address from her phone.
L- Alright I'm coming up. Bye sir.
E- Were not home!
L- Well I'm at Andreas house! Say hi to YouTube!
I said in my normal voice. Andrea and I started laughing, along with the Dolan twins.
E- what the heck! Why dude!
G- I thought I was going to get very fat man!
A&L- Love you guys!
E&G- Love you too! Get back with your video now.
L- Alright. We'll call back later probably.
E- Alright bye!
L&A- Bye!
I hung up the phone.
"That was hella funny!" Andrea said laughing. I nodded, laughing too.

We're in the middle of watching high school musical 2 with the Dolan twins and cameron. Both boxes of pizza and 2 litters of soda are gone. My phone went off signaling I got a text message. I squinted my eyes from the bright screen and looked. It's from Kristen. 'come to the hospital. Crawford woke up.' "Guys, Crawford woke up." I said, sitting up straight on the couch. "Call Sam and tell him. I'll give you a ride if you want." Andrea said. I quickly dialed Sam's number and he picked up.
L- Sam! Can you meet me at the hospital, Crawford woke up.
S- Of course. I'll put on some clothes and leave. Do you want a ride or is Andrea taking you?
L- Hold on.
"He wants to know if I wanted a ride. Did you guys want to go." "Why don't you just get a ride from Sam, we could go visit him later." Andrea said, the twins and Cameron agreeing. I just nodded.
L- Yeah, can you pick me up. The Dolan fam and Andrea will come later.
S- Alright. I'm on my way. I love you.
L- I love you. Bye.
I hung up the phone. "He's on his way so I'm gonna grab my stuff." Andrea nodded and I walked into the hallway.
"I'll be back this week probably." I said, giving Andrea a hug. "Sure thing Lou. I love you." Andrea replied. "I love you." "We all need to collab!" I said hugging Cameron then the twins. "We do!" Ethan said excitedly. "That would be fun!" Cameron said. "It would!" Grayson said. We all heard a honk. "Alright. Sam's honking. I'm going now. Love you guys!" "Love you!" They all yelled and I walked to the car.
"Gabe? Is that you?" I asked the guy at the vending machines. "Glitter cheeks!" He said confirming it is Gabe. My guy friend from school. The one I used to like. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "My aunt is in labor, you?" "My cousin woke up from his coma." "Crawford?" "Yeah." "Can I go see him?" "He's getting an MRI done right now, but you can wait with us. Oh this is Nate and Sam, Brent and the Collins are in the waiting room." I explained to him. Nate and Gabe gave each other a handshake while Sam and Gabe gave each other a bro hug. "We can go once we get food." "Alright, I'll call my mom and tell her I met up with some friends." "Okay."
"So your telling me Lourdes pissed on a fucking tire half naked!?" Gabe asked Nate laughing. "Yeah. It was fucking embarrassing. I now call her pisser because she pees everywhere." Nate replied. (A/N- True story.) "Holy shit." Gabe said still laughing. "Stop telling people I piss everywhere you dumbfuck!" I yelled at Nate. "Make me you hevan!" I unbuckled my seatbelt and started getting up but my stomach met with Sam's arm. "What the fuck Sam!" I yelled at him. "Sit down and buckle up." Sam said calmly. "I'll get you soon." I told Dalton. We're on our way to the O2L house and Gabe is with us, Brent stayed at the hospital. We stayed and talked to Crawford for about an hour. It was great. He talked to Nate but didn't do anything only because I told him that me and Nate talked about it. It's about 9:30 at night now.
"Gabe, can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure." Gabe replied. "Upstairs?" I asked. He just nodded and we went upstairs to my room. "I need to tell you because it's been bugging me." I asked. "What is it?" He asked. "I used to like you." "Really? Like was it just a crush or like bambam like?" "Just a cr-" "Lou!?" Nate asked angerly through the door. I unlocked the door and right away Nate started asking questions. I could tell he was trying to be calm. "What the fuck Lou. I heard Bambam's name." I stayed quiet. "I will tell Sam if you don't tell me." He threatened. "Hey man. Everything is alright. I'm the one who brought him up." Gabe spoke up. "Is that true?" Sam asked. I nodded my head. "Then what were you guys talking about that brought him into the conversation?" He said slightly to loud and I started hearing footsteps. "He asked about Sam!" He yelled. By this time, everyone was upstairs and Sam came up to Nate. "You don't need to know everything! If I wanted everyone to hear it, we would've stayed downstairs. You don't need to know every little thing I do and every conversation I have." Gabe was behind me whispering in my ear telling me to calm down. "Because I fucking care Lou! You really don't tell me about the whole truth half the time and then your in pain. And I'm clueless why your in pain untill someone fucking tells me the truth." Nate said on the urge of tears. I'm leaving before I cry. I pushed passed Nate and right into Sam's arms. My safe spot.
"Talk to Nate please." Sam whispered into my ear. I shook my head no. "You need to. I am go with you." I thought about it then shook my head yes. bringing me with him.

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