Chapter 16 - The Truth About Girls Night

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A month later (A week before Valentine's day)
"Lets hang out this weekend?" Chris asked. "Yeah, I need your help anyways." I told him. "With what?" "Well I've been thinking about Sammy's Valentines present. I have something in mind." "What is it?" The answer i wanted to keep a secret but I had to tell my cousin with a grin on his face. "Promise you wont tell anyone, that includes Crawf and the girls." "I promise." "You know how I've been wanting to go to New York?" He nodded. "Well I've been saving money,that's the main reason I got kicked out of my apartment to be honest. I have enough money saved up now for two tickets to New York. But I'm afraid it'll be too big for Valentines day." I explained to my cousin in Spanish class. "Yo dude, do it, it'll be a getaway for you too. Y'all need it." (A/N - i had to put yo.) "I'll probably do that, your right, we do need it. Thankyou Chris." "No problem LouBear. I'm always here. Yo, have you gotten the tickets yet?" "No, I'll get them in the next few days." "Let me know so I can get you a discount on them." (A/N-Chris got that plane hook-up like Crawf got the lyft hookups) "That would be great, thankyou Chris." "No problem Lou, I gotchu."
"So what happened with you and Nate after all?" Amanda asked. "I never told you?" I asked, grabbing my swimsuit from my locker. "No, we haven't really talked since the whole Ben situation." "Well fuck, that's true; I'm glad y'all broke up to be honest. Full story?" I asked and she nodded. I told her everything. "Well im glad you too kinda got over all that feelings shit and I'm glad you opened up to him. What about you and Sam?" She asked after I told her the whole story about Nate. "Well, I've been living with him and O2L for about a month or so. I have my own room, but I mostly stay in Sammy's room. It's great living with all guys, hella fun shit happens everyday man." "I need to come over soon dude and see the boys." "You fucking do! Sleep over soon!" "Don't leave us out you idoit!" I heard Kacey's voice from behind; I turned around and Kacey, Olivia and Amaya. "For sure babes! Let's go." I said and locked my locker we all headed out the lockerroom. was right. Sam was sitting down on the bench with JC, talking. "Hey bubs." I went up behind him, putting my arms around his shoulders. The girls right behind me. "Hey my love." Sam said tilting his head back. The girls behind me tapping my shoulders, making Sam and I laugh. I turned around and only saw Kacey, Amaya and Amanda. Olivia was gone. I turned back around and JC was also gone. "Where did they go?" I asked. "Somewhere." Sam said too fast. "Sam. Tell me. That's my best friend that's with JC ." "Hey!" Both the girls said. "One of my best friends." I corrected myself." "Valentine's day stuff. That's all I'm saying." i nodded, not wanting to push him. "Hey, I'm gonna go find Carter." Kacey said, looking down at her phone. "Alright. See you later." I told her and she walked off.
I sat down besides Sam and Amaya sat down next to me, Amanda next to her. "I haven't seen you lately Amanda, how are you?" Sam asked. "I'm actaully great, Ben and I broke up, speaking of boyfriends, how's you and Matt?" Amanda asked Amaya. "We're alright. We went on a date last night." Madi said. "You didn't tell me!" I yelled out. "You weren't going to invite me to the sleepover with Amanda!" She fired back. "Good point" I replied. "Sleepover?"Sam asked. I nodded, "We talked in the lockerrom and then the girls came in on me saying that we need a sleepover so their invited." I explained to him. kissed Sam's cheek.

Dingggggggg The first Bell rang. "I have to go find Matt or else he will get a hissy fit. Lunch?" Amaya said getting up. "Yeah, lunch." I said giving her a hug. "Alright bye. Amanda your coming with me!" "Fine babe!" Amaya and Amanda walked off. What's is it with all of us calling each other 'love' and 'babe'."Let's go to Spanish mi amor." Sam said. "Let's go." I laughed. When Sam enrolled me back info pitman, we ended up having Spanish, Choir and English together and all of O2L and I have Physics and Drama together.

••• After School •••
"Lou!" Olivia yelled, with all the girls behind her. "Sorry we're stealing your girlfriend." Kacey told Sam and they all dragged me a couple feet away from Sam. "Immediate sleepover!" Olivia yelled. All the girls just nodded. "What's wrong?" I asked. "To the left." Kacey said, looking that way. Miguel. Walking this way. "Hey Lou." Miguel stopped. "Hey." I replied and turned my back on him. "So the triple date is tomorrow night right? Since a sleepover is tonight." Kacey asked, giving me the eye to play along. "Yeah. I can't wait." "Same dude." Kacey said. "Triple date?" Miguel asked. "Yes. A triple date." Emma confirmed, rolling her eyes. "Who's all going?" Miguel asked. "Why the hell do you care?" I asked. "I was just wondering. Damn." "Bye Miguel." Olivia said giving him a hint to leave but he didn't. He just stayed there. "I better get back to Sam. I'll see you girls tonight." I told them and we all did a group hug, well except Miguel. I walked back to Sam. "Hey love" Sam said and kissed me. "Hey." I looked back to where the girls were. The girls were gone but Miguel was still there, looking straight at us. "Miguel's back." I whispered in Sam's ear while hugging him. "I know. I saw him walk up to you guys." Sam said. I pulled back, our hands still latched. "I love you." I told him and kissed him. He immediately kissed back, then pulled away. "I love you more." "Can we go get food?" I asked. "Yeah. Subway?" Sam asked. I nodded. We walked out of the school with our hands latched.
"What's up loves!" Olivia said walking through the door, with a bag in her hand and Kacey following behind her. "My stripper twin!" Kacey yelled. "Glitter lips!" I yelled and launched myself at her. Our typical hello. After I hugged Kacey, I hugged Olivia. Sofia, Amaya and Emaa following my actions. "Where's the guys? Kacey asked. Of course she would ask. "Upstairs in the game room. I told them if they bothered us, I'll tie them down and make them watch me dance." I said laughing. "Your fucking kidding." Kacey said. "Nope." I said with a grin. "Lou!" She yelled shocked. "What?" I asked smirking. "The dirty bitch is back." Kacey mumbled. "Shut the fuck up." "Y'all crazy." Kizzy said in the doorway. "You guys made it!" I yelled and went over to greet Karisma and Kristen. I saw the boys and got confused. "Hanging out with O2L." Crawford spoke. I just nodded and hugged them. "Hi Crawford" Sofia spoke up. "Hey Sofia!" He responded and then walked up the stairs with Chris.
"We were in the middle of 20 questions. Y'all wanna join?" Emma told the girls that walked in. "Sure." Kristen said and we all sat back down in the circle. I sat between Olivia and Amaya. "Alright Amaya your turn." I said. "Karisma, who do you like?" She asked. "Gabe." Karisma responded. "I knew it!" I yelled. "Knew what?" Sam said at the bottom of the steps. "Get the fuck out my love." I glared at him. "Just checking up on you." He said, walking over to me. He sat down behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, making me lean against him. "I told you to stay away from us." I looked up at him and smiled. "I'll leave in a few. Don't worry." He kissed my lips. "Alright. Kacey, how's your relationship going?" Kizzy asked. "It's going great. We have a date on Sunday. Lou." Alta smirked. This can't be good. "If you could fuck any guy from our junior high years, who would it be?" I closed my eyes. Sam's grip tightened around my waist. "Taco." I choked out. "Olivia. Truth or dare." "Dare." This is great. "I dare you to go interrupt the boys and drag Kian down here." She gave me a glare. "I'll do it." She said getting up.
     Within 5 minutes, JC was down here, with Kian on his back and Isabella on Crawford's back. "You were supposed to get JC!" "Sorry love, they just came. And besides, you don't even want to know what they were talking about." She said giving me a hug from behind. "Sam! We shall retrieve you now!" Kian yelled, almost dragging Sam. "I'll be there in a moment." Sam said. The boys nodded and ran back upstairs. We then heard a thump. Stupid boys.
    Kacey was whispering in Olivia's ear and she suddenly smirked. This can't be good. "Sam, truth or dare." He looked at me and answered "truth." "Perfect. Kacey why don't you ask." She smirked. "Kinks and preferences?" Kacey asked, almost laughing. I gave the girls a glare. "Doggy style, and a daddy kink." Sam replied.

O2L , Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now