Chapter Two

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Okay. So, I love school A LOT! Cos I have the best set of friends, the most awesome, amazing and understanding teachers, classmates that always seem to make me laugh my insides out and sometimes feel bad about having to complete secondary school and be separated from them,.... the list goes on and on, and I would really not wanna bore you.
"Girl!! We thought you were gonna be late for first period today. I personally had the feeling you were gonna miss a lot!".... "Oh come on May, give Tik some breathing space, like have you even asked about her health?... Tik, how are you now? Have you had something to eat?... did you really have to come to school today??"
Erm, did I also tell you, that my friends are the cause of my headaches most of the time?... no, I'm not sure I did, but now you know..
"Mom! You didn't have to follow me all the way to school, I'm totally fine, see?... I've not had anything to eat, but I will during lunch, and trust me, I couldn't have stayed away from my very annoyingly loving friends one more second"... Sumayyah and Munirah giggled at my reply, well, just so you know too, Munirah's the one that acts almost exactly as my mom does, sometimes I just feel like I'm at home in school every day, but I couldn't really imagine my life without her, cos I loved her a lot.
Sumayyah has the same, almost an hyper energy as me when it comes to our love and "obsession for school" as Tina puts it. You'll meet Tina pretty soon.
"We're just glad to have you back sis, I really couldn't concentrate in class without you" Munirah said giving me a bear hug, and I just had to smile at her behavior, like I was absent for just one day, and someone's handling it like I left a whole term! Man I feel so loved.
"Well, not much happened on Friday, other than the usual Mr Thompson trying so hard to make us laugh while teaching Geography, I mean, Geography class doesn't exactly have to be fun at all, and someone puts in so much effort just to have the boys make fun of him for the whole two periods!, and, guess who took us biology!!?..." Sumayyah was practically screaming now, luckily for us there were just a few other kids in the hallway, and they didn't exactly seem to notice we were there.
"Ow! May, I think my eardrum just got pierced" I faked my voice like something really happened, and Munirah quickly put her hand on my ear believing me.
"Come on, don't spoil the mood now, guess who it was!" May whined,
"Okay okay, Mr Greg?" I asked unsure, what was so special about who took Biology?
"Really, Mr Greg?, he's our regular Biology teacher, I wouldn't be asking you to guess if it was him"... Sumayyah rolled her eyes like I was being unreasonable.
"That's the point, who else could possibly take our class?"
"Well, there's Mr B-E-L-L-O!!"... May shrieked, spelling out the name gently...
Now it was my turn to scream, shriek, call me crazy, I don't care.
"Oh My God! Oh my!! Oh My!!!... you're joking, you're kidding me right?..." by now I was grinning from ear to ear, my fair cheek turning slightly red.
"Well, duh, you should have saved me the stress" May replied smiling at my reaction. Both of us were real fan girls, and we used to crush on anything with a cute face, and mostly in a shirt and tie.
All the while Munirah was just keeping herself amused with our show, Tina took this time to come in.
"Hello girls!! Look who decided to show up, what'd I miss?" she said squeezing the life out of me and giving me a peck on the head... we'll, if we could call Sumayyah a drama queen, we're definitely still thinking of the right adjective for Tina... Aaand the bell for first period goes off!
"Awww perfect timing Tina, you sure so know how to make an entrance"
Tina said to herself, making us all giggle as we walked together to the class.
I had no doubt today was gonna be a good day, this term was gonna be looong.

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