Chapter Sixteen

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Umar's POV

I was back in school.
This time with a whole new resolve.
I had thrown away all those negative thoughts.
I was gonna allow myself make friends this time.
I'd pay more attention in class and do my best to have good grades, family's reputation or not.
I'd strive hard enough to be someone worthy enough for Sumayyah.
Subhanallah, she was the reason behind the change in me, it felt good, and also scary at the same time.
Now I was scared to take any wrong step.
I was scared to say anything wrong, or treat anyone unfairly.
I was scared to fail.
Now it felt like someone was watching me, like someone was interested in whatever I was involved in day and night.

I didn't want it to seem like I was doing this to gain Sumayyah alone, I felt like I needed this change really, I wasn't exactly proud of the person I was months ago. I want to be better altogether.

School officially resumed last week but dad insisted we stayed for an extra week so we could have more "family time"

It was evident he had changed too, even though it was still a long shot, everyone left home this morning with smiles on their faces, even mom. Normally she'd be sad and sometimes even cry cos dad was travelling again.

Sometimes, all It takes is seconds or days, or weeks or months, or years to turn your life on a 180 or 360 degree angle.
Sometimes, your life changes abruptly, and the change might happen to be welcome or not.

This time, it took a month for things to change within me and my family, it was a 180 degree one, cos I didn't honestly want my life just turned completely around. There were many things in my life I'd never trade for anything.

The change this time, was also, highly welcome and I had no more words to Thank Allah with.
I wanted to fall in prostration out of gratitude, but seeing where I was presently, people would probably think I was crazy.

I stood and knocked for the tenth time and still I got no reply.
I placed my hand on the door knob and turned it to see if it was open, and just as I was about to push the door open, a centripetal force dragged the door inwards, I yelped in surprise, and was about to regain my balance when someone started screaming

"Thief! Thief!! Guys come oh!"

Ugh! This dude. He was even still rubbing his eyes from sleep and he thinks he can see clearly who the thief is.
I hiss in annoyance and walk into his bathroom, grabbing a bowl of water, I walked into his room and emptied the bowl on his head.

"What the hell man! What was that for?"
He yells jumping to get a towel

"That, Jibreel is to bring you back to life."

I tap him on his head multiple times, as he tries to dodge it with his hand

"Nothing's changed Umar! You're still not allowed to touch my head. Now what was THAT for?"

"THAT, is for almost destroying my reputation, "thief!" really?... what were you thinking idiot?"
I say sitting on his bed, and placing my bag on his bedside table

"Well, I was probably having a very baad dream. It's 6:55am Umar, what brings you here so early?"

"Today's monday duuh"

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for the reminder, you have anything else to tell me? Something I dunno this time, would be more helpful"
He says staring at me like I just appeared from another planet

"Look, don't ask me what has changed, cos I'm not gonna tell you..."


He cuts me off and adds

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