Chapter Four

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Aatikah's POV

I changed into my pajamas , combed my hair and packed it with a rubber band, searching for my hair net... I picked up my phone wishing I could just dial a number and my hair net would pick up. I mean couldn't technicians just invent something of that sort so we'd not have to be searching for things in places where we're so sure we didn't put them. Gosh!! I hated times like this.
I was still looking around my room when I heard my door burst open...
"Hey! What if I wasn't wearing anything?" I asked shocked, staring daggers at my younger brother. Word of advice, TELL HIM NOT that I called him that, or else he'd be pleased to bore you with the whole story of how mom gave birth to me just about 5 minutes before him, and I tell you he could take the whole day explaining how that made us twins and there wasn't an older or younger one. So do not say that I didn't warn you.
"Well, luckily for me sis, you are" he replied nonchalantly still standing at the doorway.
"So what's up eh? What's so important that you couldn't have knocked and you had to barge in instead" I asked, hoping that he had a perfectly good excuse for interrupting my quest
"Uhhmm... if you think about it from my perspective, I didn't actually barge in, although I admit I might have used a little bit of muscles in opening the door, but I'm still standing at the doorway, aren't I?"
"Umarrr, what- do -you- want?" I asked through gritted teeth... "I'm just so tired and all I need is a very nice uninterrupted bed rest"
"Oh! I thought girls loved to hang out, you said you were going to Tina's place, then to the movies, then to the mall,... are you saying all that stuff is boring?" Ya Allah, this boy was really succeeding at getting under my skin, .... well, two could play at this game.
" you see little brother,.." I said laying emphasis on the words I knew he hated hearing, I noticed the grin on his face falter a bit but I chose to ignore it "... that's exactly the point, we did so much today and it's got me all exhausted and stressed out, so forgive me for having so much fun bro" I retorted turning my back from him
"UMAR! AATIKAH!!, are you two going to make me come and drag you down here myself? How minutes would it take you to get down?" my mom was a really sweet woman believe me, but at times like this when her voice alone shakes my bed and sends waves of vibrations to my chest, she was "no nonsense". With a grunt, I got up from my bed and was about to reply when...
" you don't have to stress yourself mom, I told Tik already that you called for her, but she said I was disturbing her beauty sleep" Umar said sticking out his tongue at me and trying to suppress his laughter, I was soo going to get back at him for this.
"I'm going to be rid of you soon, little bro-ther" I mouthed as I stepped past him and went downstairs, he ran up to me and gave me a punch on the shoulder, I winced but there was no way I was gonna let him have that satisfaction of seeing it on my face, so I acted like it didn't hurt.
I joined my mom in the sitting room, where she was sitting on the single sofa, she faced me and gave me a not-so-nice stare, "God help you young lady, if I call you next time and you keep me sitting this long...hmph!"
"I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again, I said politely smiling at her, then she managed to relax a bit,... "how was work today? Has dad called yet? Has he arrived at his destination? " I asked trying to lighten up the mood
"Work was fine...No, he hasn't called yet. The last time I called, he was at the airport, something about his flight being delayed or so , I'm sure he would call when he gets there. I called the both of you for something else entirely..." Mom said wearing a serious look, it seemed like one of those times in movies when the parents were gonna drop a bomb as explosive as; "so, some family came with a proposal, and they'd like to know if you'd be willing to meet their son" especially when the girl wasn't prepared for it at all, not in this instance though ... I soooo wished that was what this what about, I looked at Umar and he had a grave expression on his face, it felt as though we were thinking the same thing but with entirely different opinions... well, let's cut the chase already, what was so important? Besides mom couldn't be having one of those talks with us without dad here, my hopes fell a bit but I still was curious to hear what she had to say
"Why are you guys looking that way? I expect you to be the ones bringing me the news!..." she said, looking at Umar and I like we were hiding something from her, well clearly now, it's got nothing to do with one of us getting whisked off anytime soon.
"Uhh... we have no idea what you're talking about mom, just tell us already, I can feel my insides freaking out from all these suspense ...ugh!".... Umar said, sharing the same confused look as I had on my face.
"You've both been granted admission into the University!" mom shrieked and jumped from her seat to engulf Umar and I into a hug... OMG!!! I can't believe my ears, I looked at Umar and it was as though he was faking his expression, it was quite unreadable, Astagfirullah, I didn't really care right now as I hugged mom back and held my chest tightly cos it felt like it was gonna burst out of happiness. I felt so relieved, I was overjoyed and I quickly got up and moved to the side of the couch to perform sajdah shukr (prayer of thankfulness) I poured out my gratitude in about 3 minutes, I thanked Allah for the blessing and the opportunity I was bestowed with. I raised my head up to see Umar doing the same. Ya Allah
Mom had tears in her eyes as she watched both of us..." Alhamdulillahi! I can't believe this is happening already. My babies are all grown up, and would be leaving me soon, it seems like just weeks ago when you got enrolled into secondary school..." now mom went on and on reminiscing about our school days, I wished dad was here with us, I wanted to see the expression on his face too, Dad was a businessman and had to travel a lot. We were one small happy family and we loved each other a lot, but there was no denying the fact that it would have been a whole lot better if he stayed home longer.
"The registration process starts in a month, so we have to start preparing as early as next week, is that okay with you guys?"
Mom asked, drying up her face with her sleeves, I got up to sit beside her and took her hands in mine, stroking her fingers gently
"It's fine that way mom, we're okay with it" I replied looking at Umar who just nodded silently, it was so unlike him to be so quiet, as in minutes ago, he almost put me in trouble with mom, and now...
Mom talked some more and advised us, telling us to remember the children of whom we were, to remember Allah always, to join good group of friends that would make a positive impact in our lives, I'm boring you already, trust me I totally understand that feeling.
"Mooom!... you're sounding like we're going forever, plus school isn't even gonna resume immediately the registration is finished, we're still gonna stick around for a very looong while" Umar interrupted sounding bored, well I quite agreed with him, mom got the hint and smiled
"Well, it's not you who'll be left alone in this big house when your dad travels, is it? You kids can go to bed now, make sure you say your du'as before sleeping eh?"
Mom said getting up and hugging us once again, she climbed the stairs up up her room and left Umar and I alone.
"So, Uni uhn?... we didn't even have to wait at home at all. That's great. Alhamdulillahi" I said waiting for Umar's response . When he didn't say anything, I asked " Umar, are you okay?" I was getting worried, he'd been acting weird since the news
"Sure Tik, Of course, I'm okay, let's go up" he replied, I could tell he was forcing his smile,
"You know you can always talk to me about anything at all, right?
"Yes big sis, you think I'd ever forget that?" he said with an actual smile this time, he turned towards his room, and I headed towards mine, I couldn't wait to tell my friends, I was just too happy to hold it all in. I quickly jumped into bed, said my dua, forgetting my hair net and closing my eyes tightly wishing tomorrow to come faster...

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