Chapter 9

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"Hello... What's up man?!.... How are you doing?"
"Uh... I'm great. Is that you Jibreel?.."
"One and only man! One and only! How have you been man, how's Jones?"
"Jones and I haven't spoken in a while but the last time we did, he said his apprenticeship was going on fine, he's not happy but he's still gotta do it.
I'm all well and good. A little ups and down times but it's nothing some quiet time doesn't heal.
How come you're just calling after all these months?"

"I'm sorry Umar, I totally forgot that I could have checked for your number on Facebook. Things haven't been so easy here, you know I'm still trying to settle down and all. Heck!I Dont even know my way around yet."

"Its all good. I'm glad you finally called. At least now I get to hear your voice Alhamdulillahi..... So, any fun facts?"

"Fun.... Naaah man, you know I'm a shy man. I'm keeping things really low here man. Trust me.... You know me naa.."

"Sure dude. I do... I give you one month more tops and then I'd be hearing an entirely different Story."

Jibreel wasn't the kind of guy to stay low as he just claimed. He had such a contagious attitude and people couldn't help but notice him. He was very friendly too, whenever he wanted to be, and he always got your back. I began feeling nostalgic and I swore inwardly at the thought of crying cos I missed my buddy a lot.

"Are you okay man? You were quiet for a while"

Okay! Time to man up Umar, you're
not gonna tell Jibreel that you miss him. It was good to hear his voice and all but that was all he was gonna get.

"Yeah. Sure I am. I was just thinking of something.... I'm fine."

There was silence on the line for some minutes

"So, how's your mom and dad?"
Jibreel asked....
" oh they're fine, Alhamdulillah. I thought you were gonna ask about Tik"

Wink wink

"Naah... no. I mean... Yeah, I'd love to, no, Dont get me wrong. Twud be nice to know how she's fairing and all, but I know better than to ask.
I Dont want you pissed off during our talk after not talking for such a long time "

"Calm down Jibb.. See how bad you're stuttering... I apologised for that time already, I was overreacting and all.... You're human and I can't say that its wrong to be attracted to her... Just so you know, she's doing great, I guess... But med school is killing her. I've seen her just once or twice since the five weeks that we've resumed.
Can you believe that? She's always like "Umar, I'd really love to but I have to be at the library now, ..... Or... I have an assignment to submit tomorrow.... Or I have an early morning class and I can't spend time out with you...." The list is just so endless man! Sometimes I feel like she's forgotten all about me, its like I don't even exist anymore."

"Awww man.... Look at you whining like a jealous boyfriend, you really should have heard yourself"

I hear Jibreel cracking up on the other end of the line and I shake my head.
I had to stop to sit on one of the benches under a tree shed. If I continued to walk at this pace, I'd get to the venue quicker and be forced to end the conversation which I didn't want to.
"Patience Umar, patience.... You gotta give her sometime.... You know she's still so new and all. I also know that med school is no joke, it's why I never even opted for science in the first place. She'll surely come around eh? Little brother"

Ohhhh!!!! If Jibreel would just appear in front of me right now, I'd beat the heck out of his brain. He knew that only Tik called me that, and even she wasn't allowed to!
Thank your stars Jibb!

"What? Did you say something?"
He still had the guts to pull my legs....

"Well played Jibb.... You did really nice. I'll forgive you for today... I've got to go by the way.... I've a seminar to attend... I'll save your number now, so we'll talk better on WhatsApp"

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